pycharmers.cli.video_of_typing module

pycharmers.cli.video_of_typing.video_of_typing(argv=['-M', 'html', '.', '_build'])[source]

Create a typing video. Before using this program, please do the following things

  • --typing (Tuple[str]) – Path to typing text file(s).

  • --typing-fontname (str) – Default Typing Font name

  • --size (List[int]) – Output video image size (width, height). Defaults to [1080,1920].

  • --bgRGB (List[int]) – The color of background image. (RGB) Defaults to [255,255,255].

  • --video (str) – The path to video to paste. Defaults to None.

  • --image (str) – The path to image to paste. Defaults to None.

  • --sec (float) – The length of the created video. This value is used when --video is NOT specified. Defaults to 5.

  • --fps (float) – The fps of the created video. This value is used when --video is NOT specified. Defaults to 30.

  • --margin (int) – The margin size for pasting video or image. Defaults to 0.

  • --align (List[str]) – Horizontal and vertical alignment of the content (video/image).

  • --out (str) – The filename of created typing video. Defaults to f"typing_video_{now_str()}.mp4".

  • --quiet (bool) – Whether to make the output quiet.


When you run from the command line, execute as follows:

$ video_of_typing --typing /path/to/typing1.json \
                           /path/to/typing2.json \
                           /path/to/typing3.json \
                  --video /path/to/video.mp4 \
                  --bgRGB "[48,105,152]" \
                  --align "[center,middle]"
[Output Typing Video]
* Frame Count              : 285
* Frame Length             : 4.8[s]
* Size (W,H)               : [1080, 1920]
* Background Color (RGB)   : [48, 105, 152]
* Output Typing Video Path : typing_video_2021-06-24@23.34.01.mp4
[Image or Video data to paste]
* Data              : /path/to/video.mp4
* Size (W,H)        : (1034, 1590)
* Margin (top,left) : (165, 23)
* ttfontname             : /path/to/851MkPOP_002.ttf
* fontsize               : 70
* textRGB                : (0, 0, 0)
* Number of Typing Texts : 62
* Move to the next typing every 4.6 from the 0th to the 285th
* ttfontname             : /path/to/851MkPOP_002.ttf
* fontsize               : 100
* textRGB                : (255, 212, 59)
* Number of Typing Texts : 1
* Move to the next typing every 285.0 from the 0th to the 285th
* ttfontname             : /path/to/851MkPOP_002.ttf
* fontsize               : 50
* textRGB                : (255, 212, 59)
* Number of Typing Texts : 1
* Move to the next typing every 285.0 from the 0th to the 285th
Video of Typing 285/285 [####################]100.00% - 14.107[s]
Typing Video is saved at typing_video_2021-06-24@23.34.01.mp4






class pycharmers.cli.video_of_typing.BaseTypeWriter(total_frame_count: int, typing_json_paths: Tuple[str] = (), verbose: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

static typing_data_create(json_path: str, total_frame_count: int, fontsize: int = 30, textRGB: Tuple[int, int, int] = 0, 0, 0, **kwargs) → Tuple[Callable[[PIL.Image.Image, int], PIL.Image.Image], List[str]][source]

Create a drawing function.

  • json_path (str) –

    Json file which contains typing data. You can easily create this file at JS.35 タイピング風動画を楽に作成する

  • total_frame_count (int) – Total frame count of Typing video.

  • fontsize (int, optional) – Default font size. You can override this value by adding to json file (at path). Defaults to 30.

  • textRGB (Tuple[int,int,int], optional) – Default font color. You can override this value by adding to json file (at path). Defaults to (0,0,0).


Tuple of Drawing function and its settings.

Return type

Tuple[Callable[[Image.Image, int], Image.Image], List[str]]

draw_typing_texts(img: PIL.Image.Image, curt_frame_count: int) → PIL.Image.Image[source]

Apply each drawing function in self.drawing_functions.

  • img (Image.Image) – Input image object.

  • curt_frame_count (int) – Current Frame Count


Image object with typing texts.

Return type


class pycharmers.cli.video_of_typing.CodeTypeWriter(total_frame_count: int, typing_json_paths: Tuple[str] = (), verbose: bool = True)[source]

Bases: pycharmers.cli.video_of_typing.BaseTypeWriter

Useful class for drawing typing programming code

static typing_data_create(json_path: str, total_frame_count: int, fontsize: int = 30, textRGB: Tuple[int, int, int] = 0, 0, 0, **kwargs) → Tuple[Callable[[PIL.Image.Image, int], PIL.Image.Image], List[str]][source]

Create a drawing function for programming code.

  • json_path (str) –

    Json file which contains typing data. You can easily create this file at JS.35 タイピング風動画を楽に作成する

  • total_frame_count (int) – Total frame count of Typing video.

  • fontsize (int, optional) – Default font size. You can override this value by adding to json file (at path). Defaults to 30.

  • textRGB (Tuple[int,int,int], optional) – Default font color. You can override this value by adding to json file (at path). Defaults to (0,0,0).


Tuple of Drawing function and its settings.

Return type

Tuple[Callable[[Image.Image, int], Image.Image], List[str]]

class pycharmers.cli.video_of_typing.TypeWriter(total_frame_count: int, typing_json_paths: Tuple[str] = (), verbose: bool = True)[source]

Bases: pycharmers.cli.video_of_typing.BaseTypeWriter

static typing_data_create(json_path, **kwargs)[source]

Create a drawing function.

  • json_path (str) –

    Json file which contains typing data. You can easily create this file at JS.35 タイピング風動画を楽に作成する

  • total_frame_count (int) – Total frame count of Typing video.

  • fontsize (int, optional) – Default font size. You can override this value by adding to json file (at path). Defaults to 30.

  • textRGB (Tuple[int,int,int], optional) – Default font color. You can override this value by adding to json file (at path). Defaults to (0,0,0).


Tuple of Drawing function and its settings.

Return type

Tuple[Callable[[Image.Image, int], Image.Image], List[str]]