module['-M', 'html', '.', '_build'])[source]

Show all Python-Charmers’s command line programs.

  • -H/--head (str) – Show the first head rows for the table.

  • -W/--width (int) – Table width.

  • --description (bool) – Whether to show description or path. (default= False )

  • --tablefmt (str) – Table format.


When you run from the command line, execute as follows:

$ pycharmers-show


>>> $ pycharmers-show
|       command       |                                   description                                    |
|            book2img | Convert Book into Sequential Images.                                             |
|         cv-cascades | Control the OpenCV cascade Examples.                                             |
|    cv-paper-scanner | Paper Scanner using OpenCV.                                                      |
|    cv-pencil-sketch | Convert the image like a pencil drawing.                                         |
|           cv-window | Use :meth:`cvWindow <>` to control frames.     |
|   form-auto-fill-in | Auto fill in your form using your saved information (or answer on the spot).     |
|     jupyter-arrange | Arrange Jupyter Notebook.                                                        |
|         openBrowser | Display url using the default browser.                                           |
|             pdfmine | Analyze PDF and extract various elements.                                        |
|  regexp-replacement | String replacement in a file using regular expression                            |
|     render-template | Render templates.                                                                |
| requirements-create | Create a ``requirements.text``                                                   |
|         revise_text | Revise word file.                                                                |
|     pycharmers-show | Show all Python-Charmers's command line programs.                                |
|            tweetile | Divide one image into three so that you can tweet beautifully.                   |
|      video_of_lyric | Create a lyric Video.                                                            |
|     video_of_typing | Create a typing video. Before using this program, please do the following things |
|           video2gif | Convert Video into Gif.                                                          |
+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ str = 'pyproject.toml') → List[Tuple[str, str]][source]

Get console script list.


target (str, optional) – Target filename. Defaults to "pyproject.toml".


List of console scripts ((command, path)).

Return type
