Source code for pycharmers.cli.book2img

# coding: utf-8
import os
import sys
import time
import json
import datetime
import argparse
import pyautogui as pygui
from pathlib import Path

from ._clipath import PYCHARMERS_CLI_BOOK2IMG_DIR
from ..utils.generic_utils import now_str
from ..utils.tkinter_utils import PortionSelector
from ..utils.monitor_utils import ProgressMonitor
from ..utils.print_utils import tabulate
from ..utils._colorings import toBLUE, toGREEN

[docs]class guiOperations(): """Packaged Gui Operations. Args: ops (dict/str) : Operations. """ HEADER_KEYS = ["description"] def __init__(self, ops={}): self.init(ops=ops)
[docs] def init(self, ops={}): """Initialize the operation instance.""" if isinstance(ops, str): with open(ops, mode="r") as jf: ops = json.load(jf) self.ops = ops for key in guiOperations.HEADER_KEYS: self.ops.pop(key)
[docs] def run(self): """Run the packaged operations.""" for n,op in self.ops.items(): method = op.get("method") args = op.get("args", []) kwargs = op.get("kwargs", {}) exec(f"pygui.{method}(*args, **kwargs)")
[docs]def book2img(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """Convert Book into Sequential Images. Args: -N/--num (int) : Number of screenshots to take. -I/--interval (int) : Interval to take screenshots. -OP/--operations (str) : Path or Abbreviation for Operations. -O/--output (str) : Path to the output directory. -S/--sec (int) : Time to take a screenshot. Note: When you run from the command line, execute as follows:: $ book2img -N 10 -I 1 -OP KindleApp .. code-block:: sh $ cat ~/.pycharmers/cli/book2img/kindleApp.json { "description": "Operations for KindleApp (Examples)", "1": { "method": "keyDown", "args": [ "right" ], "kwargs": {} } } +--------------------------------------+ | Sample | +======================================+ | .. image:: _images/cli.book2img.gif | +--------------------------------------+ """ if len(argv)==0: tabulate([[os.path.splitext([0], json.load("description", "")] for fn in Path(PYCHARMERS_CLI_BOOK2IMG_DIR).glob("*.json")], headers=["Abbreviation", "Description"]) print(f"You can use these operations by\n{toBLUE('$ book2img -OP <Abbreviation>')}") sys.exit(-1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="book2img", description="Convert Books to Image.", add_help=True) parser.add_argument("-N", "--num", type=int, default=1, help="Number of screenshots to take.") parser.add_argument("-I", "--interval", type=int, default=1, help="Interval to take screenshots.") parser.add_argument("-OP", "--operations", type=str, help="Path or Abbreviation for Operations.") parser.add_argument("-O", "--output", type=str, default=f"books-{now_str()}", help="Path to the output directory.") parser.add_argument("-S", "--sec", type=int, default=3, help="Time to take a screenshot") args = parser.parse_args(argv) num = args.num digit = len(str(num)) out_dir = args.output interval = args.interval sec = args.sec ops = args.operations or {} if (isinstance(ops, str)) and (not ops.endswith(".json")): ops = os.path.join(PYCHARMERS_CLI_BOOK2IMG_DIR, ops+".json") ops = guiOperations(ops=ops) ps = PortionSelector() region = ps.get_xywh() print(f"Region (x,y,w,h): {toGREEN(region)}") os.mkdir(out_dir) print(f"{num} Images will saved at {toBLUE(out_dir)}") print(f"Screenshot will be taken in {sec} seconds.") time.sleep(sec) monitor = ProgressMonitor(max_iter=num, barname="book2img") for n in range(num):, num_screenshots=n+1) ss = pygui.screenshot(region=region), f"img{n:>0{digit}}.png")) time.sleep(interval) monitor.remove()