Source code for pycharmers.utils.monitor_utils

# coding: utf-8
import os
import sys
import time

from ._colorings import toACCENT, toBLUE
from .generic_utils import readable_bytes
from .print_utils import visible_width

[docs]def progress_reporthook_create(filename="", bar_width=20, verbose=True): """Create Progress reporthook for ``urllib.request.urlretrieve`` Returns: The ``reporthook`` which is a callable that accepts a ``block number``, a ``read size``, and the ``total file size`` of the URL target. Args: filename (str) : Downloading filename. bar_width (int) : The width of progress bar. Examples: >>> import urllib >>> from pycharmers.utils import progress_reporthook_create >>> urllib.request.urlretrieve(url="", filename="", reporthook=progress_reporthook_create(filename="")) 1.5%[--------------------] 21.5[s] 8.0[GB/s] eta 1415.1[s] """ def progress_reporthook_verbose(block_count, block_size, total_size): global _reporthook_start_time if block_count == 0: _reporthook_start_time = time.time() return progress_size = block_count*block_size percentage = min(1.0, progress_size/total_size) progress_bar = ("#" * int(percentage * bar_width)).ljust(bar_width, "-") duration = time.time() - _reporthook_start_time speed = progress_size / duration eta = (total_size-progress_size)/speed speed, speed_unit = readable_bytes(speed) sys.stdout.write(f"\r{filename}\t{percentage:.1%}[{progress_bar}] {duration:.1f}[s] {speed:.1f}[{speed_unit}/s]\teta {eta:.1f}[s]") if progress_size >= total_size: print() def progress_reporthook_non_verbose(block_count, block_size, total_size): pass return progress_reporthook_verbose if verbose else progress_reporthook_non_verbose
[docs]class ProgressMonitor(): """Monitor the loop progress. Attributes: max_iter (int) : Maximum number of iterations. digit (int) : The number of digit of ``max_iter`` (= ``len(str(max_iter))`` ) verbose (int) : Determine the output method. ``0`` is silent, ``1`` is progress bar and metrics, and ``2`` is only progress bar. barname (str) : Barname. histories (dict) : The histories. iter (int) : The current number of iterations. prev_length (int) : The number of characters in the previous output. prev_nrows (int) : The number of rows in the previous output. start_time (int) : current time in seconds since the Epoch. ( ``time.time()`` ) +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``verbose`` | ``report`` | +===============+============================================================================================================+ | 0 | :meth:`silent <pycharmers.utils.monitor_utils.ProgressMonitor.report_silent>` | +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | :meth:`bar and metrics <pycharmers.utils.monitor_utils.ProgressMonitor.report_progress_bar_and_metrics>` | +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | :meth:`only bar <pycharmers.utils.monitor_utils.ProgressMonitor.report_only_prograss_bar>` | +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | else | :meth:`bar and metrics <pycharmers.utils.monitor_utils.ProgressMonitor.report_progress_bar_and_metrics>` | +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Examples: >>> from pycharmers.utils import ProgressMonitor >>> max_iter = 100 >>> monitor = ProgressMonitor(max_iter=max_iter, verbose=1, barname="NAME") >>> for it in range(max_iter): >>>, loop=it+1) >>> monitor.remove() NAME 100/100[####################]100.00% - 0.010[s] loop: 100 """ def __init__(self, max_iter, verbose=1, barname="", **kwargs): """ Args: max_iter (int) : Maximum number of iterations. verbose (int) : ``0`` is silent, ``1`` is progress bar and metrics, and ``2`` is only progress bar. barname (str) : Barname. """ self._init() self.max_iter = max_iter self.digit = len(str(max_iter)) self.verbose = verbose self.barname = barname + " " if len(barname)>0 else "" = { 0 : self.report_silent, 1 : self.report_progress_bar_and_metrics, 2 : self.report_only_prograss_bar }.get(verbose, self.report_progress_bar_and_metrics) def _init(self): """Initialize the monitor.""" self.histories = {} self.iter = 0 self.prev_length = -1 self.start_time = time.time()
[docs] def write(self, string): """Use ASCI to output progress beautifully. * ``\\033[0J`` : Delete all strings after the cursor (including the following lines). * ``\\033[nF`` : Moves the cursor up ``n`` lines and then moves to the beginning of that line. Args: string : String to output. TODO: Determine ``nrows`` according to the previous output result. """ if self.prev_length==-1: sys.stdout.write(string) # elif self.prev_nrows==0: # sys.stdout.write(f"\r{string}") # else: # sys.stdout.write(f"\033[{self.prev_nrows}F\033[0J{string}") else: sys.stdout.write(f"\033[{self.prev_length}D{string}") sys.stdout.flush() self.prev_length = visible_width(string)
# self.prev_nrows = (visible_width(string)-1)//os.get_terminal_size().columns
[docs] def progress(self, it): """Create a progress. Args: it (int) : Thr current iteration number. Returns: str : Thr current progress. """ it += 1 return f"{self.barname}{it:>0{self.digit}}/{self.max_iter} [{('#' * int((it/self.max_iter)/0.05)).ljust(20, '-')}]{it/self.max_iter:>7.2%} - {time.time()-self.start_time:.3f}[s]"
[docs] def report_silent(self, it, **metrics): """ ``report`` method when ``verbose == 0`` """ pass
[docs] def report_only_prograss_bar(self, it, **metrics): """ ``report`` method when ``verbose == 2`` """ self.write(self.progress(it))
[docs] def report_progress_bar_and_metrics(self, it, **metrics): """ ``report`` method when ``verbose == 1`` """ self.write(self.progress(it) + f" {', '.join([f'{toACCENT(k)}: {toBLUE(v)}' for k,v in metrics.items()])}")
[docs] def remove(self): """Do the necessary processing at the end.""" def _pass(*args, **kwargs): pass { 0: _pass, 1: sys.stdout.write, 2: sys.stdout.write, }.get(self.verbose, sys.stdout.write)("\n")