Source code for pycharmers.utils.driver_utils

# coding: utf-8
""" Utility programs for Selenium WebDriver. See `1. Installation — Selenium Python Bindings 2 documentation <>`_ for more details."""
import time
import warnings
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import DesiredCapabilities
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException
from import Options
from import WebDriverWait
# from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import expected_conditions as EC

from ._warnings import DriverNotFoundWarning
from ._path import PYCHARMERS_DIR
from ._colorings import toGRAY, toBLUE, toGREEN, toRED
from .generic_utils import try_wrapper, handleKeyError

SUPPORTED_DRIVER_TYPES = ["local", "remote"]

def _print_driver_check_log(is_succeed, driver_type, verbose=True):
    """Print logs."""
    if is_succeed:
        state = toGREEN("[success]")
        msg = "driver can be built."
        state = toRED("[failure]")
        msg = "driver can't be built."
    if verbose: print(" ".join([state, driver_type, msg]))

[docs]def get_chrome_options(browser=False): """Get default chrome options. Args: browser (bool) : Whether you want to run Chrome with GUI browser. (default= ``False`` ) Examples: >>> from pycharmers.utils import get_chrome_options >>> # browser == False (default) >>> op = get_chrome_options(browser=False) >>> op.arguments ['--no-sandbox', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--headless'] >>> op.experimental_options {} >>> # browser == True >>> op = get_chrome_options(browser=True) >>> op.arguments ['--no-sandbox', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--kiosk-printing'] >>> op.experimental_options {'prefs': {'profile.default_content_settings.popups': 1, 'download.default_directory': '/Users/iwasakishuto/.pycharmers', 'directory_upgrade': True}} """ chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') chrome_options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') if not browser: chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') else: chrome_options.add_experimental_option("prefs", { # "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally": True, "profile.default_content_settings.popups": 1, "download.default_directory": PYCHARMERS_DIR, "directory_upgrade": True, }) chrome_options.add_argument('--kiosk-printing') return chrome_options
def _check_driver(selenium_port="4444", verbose=True): """Check the available drivers. (if one of the drivers is built, there is no problem)""" DRIVER_TYPE = "" chrome_options = get_chrome_options(browser=False) for driver_type in SUPPORTED_DRIVER_TYPES: try: with eval(f"_get_driver_{driver_type}(chrome_options, selenium_port=selenium_port)") as driver: DRIVER_TYPE = driver_type _print_driver_check_log(is_succeed=True, driver_type=driver_type, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: _print_driver_check_log(is_succeed=False, driver_type=driver_type, verbose=verbose) return DRIVER_TYPE def _get_driver_local(chrome_options, **kwargs): driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options) return driver def _get_driver_remote(chrome_options, **kwargs): selenium_port = kwargs.get("selenium_port", "4444") driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=f'http://selenium:{selenium_port}/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy(), options=chrome_options ) return driver ############################ # START: Check driver ############################ try: __DRIVER_SETUP__ except NameError: DRIVER_TYPE = _check_driver(selenium_port="4444", verbose=False) print(f"DRIVER_TYPE: {toGREEN(DRIVER_TYPE)}") __DRIVER_SETUP__ = True if DRIVER_TYPE == "": warnings.warn(message="Fails to launch all supported drivers.", category=DriverNotFoundWarning) ############################ # END: Check driver ############################
[docs]def get_driver(driver_type=DRIVER_TYPE, chrome_options=None, browser=False, selenium_port="4444"): """Get a driver that works in your current environment. Args: driver_type (str) : driver type. (default= ``DRIVER_TYPE``) chrome_options (ChromeOptions) : Instance of ChromeOptions. If not specify, use :meth:`get_chrome_options() <pycharmers.utils.driver_utils.get_chrome_options>` to get default options. browser (bool) : Whether you want to run Chrome with GUI browser. (default= ``False`` ) selenium_port (str) : selenium port number. This will be used when you run on `Docker <>`_ """ handleKeyError(lst=SUPPORTED_DRIVER_TYPES, driver_type=driver_type) if chrome_options is None: chrome_options = get_chrome_options(browser=browser) return eval(f"_get_driver_{driver_type}(chrome_options, selenium_port=selenium_port)")
[docs]def try_find_element(driver, by, identifier, timeout=3, verbose=True): """Find an element given a By strategy and locator. Wrap with :meth:`try_wrapper <pycharmers.utils.generic_utils.try_wrapper>` to handle the error so that the programs does not stop in a series of processes. Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. by (str) : Locator strategies. See `4. Locating Elements — Selenium Python Bindings 2 documentation <>`_ identifier (str) : Identifier to find the element timeout (int) : Number of seconds before timing out (default= ``3``) verbose (bool) : Whether you want to print output or not. (default= ``True`` ) Examples: >>> from pycharmers.utils import get_driver, try_find_element >>> with get_driver() as driver: ... driver.get("") ... e = try_find_element(driver=driver, by="tag name", identifier="img") Succeeded to locate element with tag name=img """ return try_wrapper( func=WebDriverWait(driver=driver, timeout=timeout).until, msg_=f"locate element with {toGREEN(by)}={toBLUE(identifier)}", method=lambda x: x.find_element(by=by, value=identifier), verbose_=verbose, )
[docs]def try_find_element_send_keys(driver, by=None, identifier=None, values=(), target=None, timeout=3, verbose=True): """Find an element given a By strategy and locator, and Simulates typing into the element. Wrap with :meth:`try_wrapper <pycharmers.utils.generic_utils.try_wrapper>` to handle the error so that the programs does not stop in a series of processes. Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. by (str) : Locator strategies. See `4. Locating Elements — Selenium Python Bindings 2 documentation <>`_ identifier (str) : Identifier to find the element values (tuple) : A string for typing, or setting form fields. For setting file inputs, this could be a local file path. target (WebElement) : Represents a DOM element. (If you already find element) timeout (int) : Number of seconds before timing out (default= ``3``) verbose (bool) : Whether you want to print output or not. (default= ``True`` ) """ if target is None: target = try_find_element(driver=driver, identifier=identifier, by=by, timeout=timeout) if target is not None: try_wrapper( target.send_keys, *tuple(values), msg_=f"fill {toBLUE(values)} in element with {toGREEN(by)}={toBLUE(identifier)}", verbose_=verbose, )
[docs]def try_find_element_click(driver, by=None, identifier=None, target=None, timeout=3, verbose=True): """Find an element given a By strategy and locator, and Clicks the element. Wrap with :meth:`try_wrapper <pycharmers.utils.generic_utils.try_wrapper>` to handle the error so that the programs does not stop in a series of processes. Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. by (str) : Locator strategies. See `4. Locating Elements — Selenium Python Bindings 2 documentation <>`_ identifier (str) : Identifier to find the element target (WebElement) : Represents a DOM element. (If you already find element) timeout (int) : Number of seconds before timing out (default= ``3``) verbose (bool) : Whether you want to print output or not. (default= ``True`` ) """ if target is None: target = try_find_element(driver=driver, identifier=identifier, by=by, timeout=timeout) if target is not None: def element_click(driver, target): try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", target) except StaleElementReferenceException: try_wrapper( func=element_click, msg_=f"click the element with {toGREEN(by)}={toBLUE(identifier)}", verbose_=verbose, driver=driver, target=target, )
[docs]def click(): """ function for differentiation """
[docs]def pass_forms(driver, **kwargs): """Pass through forms. You can check the example in :meth:`passthrough_base <pycharmers.gateways.UTokyoGateWay.passthrough_base>` TODO: Currently, only ``"id"`` is supported as ``Locator strategies``. Need to be selectable for generality Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. kwargs (dict) : ``key`` is ``identifier`` and ``val`` is """ for k,v in kwargs.items(): if callable(v) and v.__qualname__ == "click": try_find_element_click(driver=driver, by="id", identifier=k) else: try_find_element_send_keys(driver=driver, by="id", identifier=k, values=v) print(f"Current URL: {toBLUE(driver.current_url)}")
[docs]def wait_until_all_elements(driver, timeout, verbose=True): """Wait until all elements visible. Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. timeout (int) : Number of seconds before timing out (default= ``3``) verbose (bool) : Whether you want to print output or not. (default= ``True`` ) """ if verbose: print(f"Wait up to {timeout}[s] for all page elements to load.") WebDriverWait(driver=driver, timeout=timeout).until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located) time.sleep(timeout)
# driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').click() # driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN)