Source code for

"""Define functions and classes to make OpenCV window easier to use. 

This KEY table is created by the following programs.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> from pycharmers.utils import tabulate
    >>> from pycharmers.opencv import *
    >>> lst = []
    >>> for DEFAULT_KEY_NAME in list(filter(lambda x:x.startswith("DEFAULT_") and x.endswith("_KEYS"), globals().keys())):
    >>>     for group,(fmt,keys) in eval(DEFAULT_KEY_NAME).items():
    >>>         for name, key in keys.items():
    >>>             lst.append([DEFAULT_KEY_NAME, group, fmt.format(name=name), f"'{key}'"])
    >>>             DEFAULT_KEY_NAME, group = ("", "")
    >>> tabulate(lst, headers=["VARNAME", "group", "description ('name')", "key"], tablefmt="grid")

|        VARNAME        |  group   |          description ('name')           |    key     |
|       DEFAULT_CV_KEYS |     BASE |   To send the window the command 'info' |        'i' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |   To send the window the command 'quit' |        'q' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          | To send the window the command 'delete' | '<delete>' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |  To send the window the command 'enter' |  '<enter>' |
+                       +----------+-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |   MOVING |        To move the window to the 'left' |        'h' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |       To move the window to the 'right' |        'l' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |        To move the window to the 'down' |        'j' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |          To move the window to the 'up' |        'k' |
+                       +----------+-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |    RATIO |               To 'expansion' the window |        '+' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |               To 'reduction' the window |        '-' |
+                       +----------+-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       | POSITION |     To set/know the window 'fullscreen' |        'f' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |        To set/know the window 'topleft' |        'o' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |      To set/know the window 'rectangle' |        'r' |
|    DEFAULT_FRAME_KEYS |    FRAME |                      To 'advance' frame |        'w' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |                         To 'back' frame |        'b' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |                         To 'jump' frame |        '@' |
+                       +----------+-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |    RANGE |                 To select range 'start' |        's' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |                   To select range 'end' |        'e' |
+                       +----------+-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |     TAKE |                       To take 'picture' |        'p' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |                         To take 'video' |        'v' |
| DEFAULT_REALTIME_KEYS |     TAKE |                       To take 'picture' |        'p' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |                         To take 'video' |        'v' |
| DEFAULT_TRACKING_KEYS | TRACKING |                        To track 'start' |        't' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |                         To track 'stop' |        'c' |
+                       +          +-----------------------------------------+------------+
|                       |          |                         To track 'init' |        'n' |

#coding: utf-8
import os
import re
import sys
import cv2

from ._cvpath import save_dir_create
from .video_image_handler import basenaming, mono_frame_generator, multi_frame_generator_concat, count_frame_num, VideoWriterCreate
from .drawing import draw_text_with_bg, draw_bboxes_create
from .tracking import tracker_create, BBoxLogger
from ..utils.generic_utils import now_str, flatten_dual, int2ordinal, handleKeyError
from ..utils.print_utils import pretty_3quote, tabulate
from ..utils._colorings import toRED, toBLUE, toGREEN, toACCENT

[docs]def cv2key2chr(key): """Convert a key event into a Unicode string or an easy-to-understand string. Args: key (int) : The key event. (return of ``cv2.waitKey`` ) Returns: (str) : a Unicode string of one character or an easy-to-understand string. Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import cv2key2chr >>> import cv2 >>> import numpy as np >>> from pycharmers.opencv import cv2key2chr ... >>> winname = "cv2key2chr" >>> image = np.random.randint(low=0, high=255, size=(200,200,3), dtype=np.uint8) >>> while True: ... key = cv2.waitKey(1) ... cv2.imshow(winname=winname, mat=image) ... if key!=-1: print(key, cv2key2chr(key)) ... if key==27: break >>> cv2.destroyWindow(winname=winname) """ char = chr(key) if 0<=key<=0x10ffff else "" char2mean = { "\x08" : "<delete>", "\r" : "<enter>", "\x1b" : "<esc>", " " : "<space>", "\t" : "<tab>", "\x00" : "<modifier>", } return char2mean.get(char, char)
DEFAULT_CV_KEYS = { "BASE": ["To send the window the command '{name}'", { "info": "i", "quit": "q", "delete": "<delete>", "enter": "<enter>", }], "MOVING" : ["To move the window to the '{name}'", { "left": "h", "right": "l", "down": "j", "up": "k", }], "RATIO" : ["To '{name}' the window", { "expansion" : "+", "reduction" : "-", }], "POSITION" : ["To set/know the window '{name}'", { "fullscreen": "f", "topleft": "o", "rectangle": "r", }], } DEFAULT_FRAME_KEYS = { "FRAME" : ["To '{name}' frame", { "advance": "w", "back": "b", "jump": "@", }], "RANGE" : ["To select range '{name}'", { "start": "s", "end": "e", }], "TAKE" : ["To take '{name}'",{ "picture": "p", "video": "v" }], } DEFAULT_REALTIME_KEYS = { "TAKE" : ["To take '{name}'",{ "picture": "p", "video": "v" }], } DEFAULT_TRACKING_KEYS = { "TRACKING" : ["To track '{name}'", { "start": "t", "stop": "c", "init": "n" }], }
[docs]class cvKeys(): """Keys for using openCV Args: cv_keys (dict) : Key information. See :meth:`set_keys <>` . ``{group: [fmt, {name1:key1, name2:key2,...}]}`` Attributes: info_table (list) : List-style Information. This strings are used in method :meth:`describe <>` groups (list) : Group list. GROUP_NAME_KEY (str) : Key for a command. GROUP_NAME_KEY_ORD (int) : Ord of the Key ( ``GROUP_NAME_KEY`` ) GROUP_KEYS (list) : Keys for a group commands. GROUP_KEYS_ORD (list) : Ords of the all Keys in a group ( ``GROUP_KEYS`` ) ALL_KEYS (list) : All Keys for commands. ALL_KEYS_ORD (list) : All ords of the all Keys (``ALL_KEYS``) Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import cvKeys, DEFAULT_CV_KEYS >>> cvKey = cvKeys(**DEFAULT_CV_KEYS) >>> cvKey.MOVING_LEFT_KEY 'h' >>> cvKey.MOVING_LEFT_KEY_ORD 104 >>> cvKey.MOVING_KEYS ['h', 'l', 'j', 'k'] >>> cvKey.MOVING_KEYS_ORD [104, 108, 106, 107] >>> cvKey.ALL_KEYS ['i', 'q', '<delete>', '<enter>', 'h', 'l', 'j', 'k', '+', '-', 'f', 'o'] >>> cvKey.ALL_KEYS_ORD [105, 113, 8, 13, 104, 108, 106, 107, 43, 45, 102, 111] """ def __init__(self, **cv_keys): self.groups = [] self.info_table = [] self.cv_keys = cv_keys for group,(fmt,keys) in cv_keys.items(): self.set_keys(group=group, fmt=fmt, **keys) def __getattr__(self, name): """When suffix of attribute is * XXX_KEYS_ORD, return the Unicode code points for XXX_KEYS. (list) * XXX_KEY_ORD, return the Unicode code point for XXX_KEY. (int) """ ord_match = re.match(pattern=r"^(.+_KEYS?)_ORD$", string=name) if ord_match: key_str = self.__getattribute__( if isinstance(key_str, list): return [self.ord(key) for key in key_str] else: # isinstance(key, str) return self.ord(key_str)
[docs] def update(self, other): """Update using other instance. Args: other (cvKeys) : Instance of :class:`cvKeys <>` """ for group,(fmt,keys) in other.cv_keys.items(): if group not in self.groups: self.set_keys(group=group, fmt=fmt, **keys)
[docs] def set_keys(self, group, fmt, **keys): """Set keys. Args: group (str) : A group name. (ex. ``"MOVING"`` ) fmt (str) : How to describe group keys. Need to contain "{name}" (ex. ``"To move the window to the {name}"`` ) keys (dict) : ``{name1:key1, name2:key2, ...}`` * name (str) : A name in the ``group`` . (ex. ``"left"`` ) * key (str) : A key corresponding to the ``name`` . (ex. ``"l"``) """ group = group.upper() self.groups.append(group) for i, (name,key) in enumerate(keys.items()): self.info_table.append([toRED(group) if i==0 else "", fmt.format(name=toGREEN(name)), f"press {toBLUE(key)}"]) setattr(self, f"{group}_{name.upper()}_KEY", key) setattr(self.__class__, f"{group}_KEYS", property(fget=lambda self: self._get_group_keys(group=group)))
[docs] def describe(self): """Describe Key information.""" tabulate(self.info_table, headers=["group", f"description ('{toGREEN('name')}')", "key"], tablefmt="grid")
def _get_group_keys(self, group=""): return [key for name,key in self.__dict__.items() if re.match(pattern=fr"^{group.upper()}.+$", string=name)]
[docs] @staticmethod def ord(c=None): """Return the Unicode code point for a one-character string. Args: c (str) : A character Return: i (int) : Unicode code point Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import cvKeys >>> cvKey = cvKeys() >>> cvKey.ord("l") == ord("l") True >>> cvKey.ord("<delete>") 8 >>> ord("<delete>") TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 8 found """ c = re.sub(pattern=r"<(.+)>",repl=lambda m:{"delete":"\x08","enter":"\r"}[], string=str(c)) return ord(c) if len(c)==1 else -1
@property def ALL_KEYS(self): """Return all the keys that have been set.""" return flatten_dual([self._get_group_keys(group=group) for group in self.groups])
[docs]def wait_for_input(fmt="Your input : {val}", cvKey=cvKeys(**DEFAULT_CV_KEYS)): """Wait until the valid input is entered. Args: fmt (str) : Format to show your current input value. ( ``"{val}"`` must be included.) cvKey (cvKeys) : Instance of :class:`cvKeys <>` Returns: curt_val (str) : Input string. Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> from pycharmers.opencv import wait_for_input, SAMPLE_LENA_IMG >>> cv2.imshow("Lena", cv2.imread(SAMPLE_LENA_IMG)) >>> val = wait_for_input() >>> cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ def print_log(curt_val): sys.stdout.write("\033[2K\033[G" + fmt.format(val=curt_val)) sys.stdout.flush() curt_val = ""; print_log(curt_val) while True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) if key == cvKey.BASE_ENTER_KEY_ORD: break elif key == cvKey.BASE_DELETE_KEY_ORD: curt_val = curt_val[:-1] else: curt_val += chr(key) print_log(curt_val) print() if len(curt_val) == 0: # Process recursively curt_val = wait_for_input() return curt_val
[docs]def wait_for_choice(*choices): """Wait until choicing the one of the keys. Args: choices (tuple): Choices. Returns: choice (element) : The ith element in ``choices`` . ( ``i`` means Your input. ) Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> from pycharmers.opencv import wait_for_choice, SAMPLE_LENA_IMG >>> cv2.imshow("Lena", cv2.imread(SAMPLE_LENA_IMG)) >>> val = wait_for_choice(*list("ltrb")) >>> cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ max_val = len(choices)-1 tabulate([[i,c] for i,c in enumerate(choices)], headers=["Input", "Choice"], tablefmt="pretty") while True: i = int(wait_for_input()) if 0 <= i <= max_val: break else: print(f"[ERROR] Please input from 0 to {max_val} (got {i})") return choices[i]
[docs]class cvWindow(): """Window & Image Location - Ix,Iy,Iw,Ih = :meth:`getWindowImageRect <>` - :meth:`moveWindow <>` make the window left top to ``(x,y)`` Variable Names:: (Wx,Wy) ----------------------- (x+w,y) | ^ | | | Fh | | v | | (Ix,Iy) ------ (Ix+w,Iy) | | Fw | | | |<------>| Image | | | | | | | (Ix,Iy+h) ---- (Ix+w,Iy+h) | | | (Wx,Wy+h) --------------------- (Wx+w,Wy+h) Args: no (int) : The number of windows. Attributes: video_save_dir (str) : ``Path/to/created_video/directory`` img_save_dir (str) : ``Path/to/created_image/directory`` reduction_rate (float) : ``1./expansion_rate`` cvKey (cvKeys) : Keys that can be used with OpenCV. Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> from pycharmers.opencv import cvWindow >>> window = cvWindow() >>> while True: ... key = cv2.waitKey(0) ... is_break = window.recieveKey(key) ... if is_break: ... break >>> cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ no = 0 def __init__(self, winname=None, dirname=None, move_distance=10, expansion_rate=1.1, cvKey=cvKeys(**DEFAULT_CV_KEYS)): """initialization of the OpenCV Windows. Args: winname (str) : The window name. dirname (str) : dirname for saved image or directory. move_distance (int) : Moving distance. (px) expansion_rate (float) : Expansion Rate. cvKey (dict) : Instance of :class:`cvKeys <>`. """ self.setup(winname=winname, dirname=dirname) self.move_distance = move_distance self.expansion_rate = expansion_rate self.cvKey = cvKey @property def reduction_rate(self): return 1./self.expansion_rate
[docs] def setup(self, winname=None, dirname=None): """Setting up for the OpenCV windows. - Decide window name. - Decide and Create the location of the directory to save image. Args: winname (str) : Unique winname. dirname (str) : dirname for saved image or directory. """ # Decide window name. += 1 if winname is None: winname = f"frame {>02}" self.winname = winname cv2.namedWindow(winname, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # Decide the location of the directory to save image. self.img_save_dir, self.video_save_dir = save_dir_create(dirname=dirname, image=True, video=True, json=False) self.Iw, self.Ih = self.image_size
@property def frame_size(self): """Get Frame width (``Fw``) and Frame height (``Fh``)""" _,_,Fw,Fh = self.get_anchors() return (Fw,Fh) @property def image_size(self): """Get Image width (``Iw``) and Image height (``Ih``)""" _,_,Iw,Ih = self.getWindowImageRect() return (Iw,Ih)
[docs] def resizeWindow(self, width, height): """Resizes window to the specified size Args: width (int) : The new window width. height (int) : The new window height. """ cv2.resizeWindow(winname=self.winname, width=width, height=height)
[docs] def moveWindow(self, x, y): """Moves window to the specified position Args: x (int): The new x-coordinate of the window. y (int): The new y-coordinate of the window. """ cv2.moveWindow(winname=self.winname, x=x, y=y)
[docs] def getWindowImageRect(self): """Provides rectangle of image in the window. The function getWindowImageRect returns the client screen coordinates, width and height of the image rendering area. """ Ix,Iy,Iw,Ih = cv2.getWindowImageRect(winname=self.winname) return (Ix,Iy,Iw,Ih)
[docs] def getWindowRect(self): """Get window bounding boxes as ``(x,y,w,h)``""" Wx,Wy,Fw,Fh = self.get_anchors() Iw,Ih = self.image_size Ww = Iw+Fw*2; Wh = Ih+Fh*2 return (Wx,Wy,Ww,Wh)
[docs] def get_anchors(self): """ Get the ``(Wx,Wy,Fw,Fh)`` Notes: - :meth:`getWindowImageRect <>` gets the rectangle of image in the window. - :meth:`moveWindow <>` make the window left top to ``(x,y)`` """ Ix,Iy,_,_ = self.getWindowImageRect() self.moveWindow(Ix, Iy) # NOTE: Get the (Ix+Fw,Iy+Fw) in the initial window. Ix_Fw,Iy_Fw,_,_ = self.getWindowImageRect() Fw = Ix_Fw-Ix; Fh = Iy_Fw-Iy Wx = Ix-Fw; Wy = Iy-Fh # Reset the window position. self.moveWindow(Wx, Wy) return (Wx,Wy,Fw,Fh)
[docs] def show(self, mat): """Displays an image in the specified window. (``self.winname``) Args: mat (np.ndarray): Image to be shown. """ if (self.Ih, self.Iw) != mat.shape[:2]: self.Ih, self.Iw, _ = mat.shape self.resizeWindow(height=self.Ih, width=self.Iw) cv2.imshow(winname=self.winname, mat=mat)
[docs] def describe(self): """Describe Key info.""" self.cvKey.describe()
[docs] def destroy(self): """Do the necessary processing at the end.""" for dirname in [self.img_save_dir, self.video_save_dir]: if sum(os.path.getsize(f) for f in os.listdir(dirname) if os.path.isfile(f))==0: os.removedirs(dirname) print(f"{toBLUE(dirname)} is deleted. (because it is empty)") cv2.destroyWindow(self.winname)
[docs] def recieveKey(self, key): """Response according to Recieved key. Args: key (int): Input Key. (= ``cv2.waitKey(0)``) Returns: is_break (bool) Whether loop break or not. If break, destroy the window. """ is_break = False cvKey = self.cvKey winname = self.winname # Quit. if key in cvKey.BASE_KEYS_ORD: if key == cvKey.BASE_QUIT_KEY_ORD: is_break = True self.destroy() elif key == cvKey.BASE_INFO_KEY_ORD: self.describe() # MOVING elif key in cvKey.MOVING_KEYS_ORD: Wx,Wy,_,_ = self.get_anchors() if key == cvKey.MOVING_LEFT_KEY_ORD: Wx-=self.move_distance elif key == cvKey.MOVING_RIGHT_KEY_ORD: Wx+=self.move_distance elif key == cvKey.MOVING_DOWN_KEY_ORD: Wy+=self.move_distance else: # key == cvKey.MOVING_UP_KEY_ORD Wy-=self.move_distance self.moveWindow(Wx, Wy) # RATIO elif key in cvKey.RATIO_KEYS_ORD: if key == cvKey.RATIO_EXPANSION_KEY_ORD: rate = self.expansion_rate else: rate = self.reduction_rate self.Ih = int(rate*self.Ih) self.Iw = int(rate*self.Iw) self.resizeWindow(width=self.Iw, height=self.Ih) elif key in cvKey.POSITION_KEYS_ORD: if key == cvKey.POSITION_FULLSCREEN_KEY_ORD: """ - ``cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL`` = ``0`` - ``cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN = ``1`` """ cv2.setWindowProperty( winname=winname, prop_id=cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, prop_value=1-cv2.getWindowProperty( winname=winname, prop_id=cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, ) ) elif key == cvKey.POSITION_TOPLEFT_KEY_ORD: self.moveWindow(0, 0) elif key == cvKey.POSITION_RECTANGLE_KEY_ORD: print(f"Window Rectangle: {self.getWindowRect()}") return is_break
[docs]class RealTimeWindow(cvWindow): """OpenCV window for RealiTime Video. Args: ext (str) : File extension. (default= ``".jpg"`` ) cam (int) : The id of the web camera. Attributes: basenames (str) : Concatenate of the final components of ``path`` gen (gen) : ``cv2.VideoCapture(cam)`` crt_frame (ndarray) : The current image. crt_fname (str) : The current image name. is_capture (bool) : Whether capturing or not. Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> from pycharmers.opencv import RealTimeWindow >>> window = RealTimeWindow() >>> while True: ... key = cv2.waitKey(0) ... is_break = window.recieveKey(key) ... if is_break: ... break >>> cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ def __init__(self, winname=None, dirname=None, ext=".jpg", move_distance=10, expansion_rate=1.1, cam=0, cvKey=cvKeys(**DEFAULT_REALTIME_KEYS)): self.basenames = "realtime" self.ext = ext super().__init__( winname=winname, dirname=dirname, move_distance=move_distance, expansion_rate=expansion_rate, cvKey=cvKeys(**DEFAULT_CV_KEYS), ) self.cvKey.update(cvKey) self.gen = cv2.VideoCapture(cam) _, self.crt_frame = self.crt_fname = now_str() self.is_capture = False
[docs] def show(self, mat=None): """Displays an image in the specified window. (``self.winname``) Args: mat (np.ndarray): Image to be shown. """ if mat is None: mat = self.crt_frame draw_text_with_bg( img=mat, text=self.crt_fname, org=(50, 50), fontFace=1, fontScale=3, color=(0,0,0), bgcolor=(255,255,255), color_type="css4", thickness=1, ) super().show(mat)
[docs] def destroy(self): self.gen.release() super().destroy()
[docs] def recieveKey(self, key): """Response according to Recieved key. Args: key (int): Input Key. (= ``cv2.waitKey(0)``) Returns: is_break (bool) Whether loop break or not. If break, destroy the window. """ is_break = False cvKey = self.cvKey if self.is_capture: cv2.imwrite(filename=os.path.join(self.video_save_dir, self.crt_fname), img=self.crt_frame) # Take a picture of the current frame. if key in cvKey.TAKE_KEYS_ORD: if key == cvKey.TAKE_PICTURE_KEY_ORD: cv2.imwrite(filename=os.path.join(self.img_save_dir, self.crt_fname), img=self.crt_frame) print(f"Take a screenshot of {self.crt_fname} frame.") elif key == cvKey.TAKE_VIDEO_KEY_ORD: end, start = ("start", "end")[:: 1 if self.is_capture else -1] self.is_capture = not self.is_capture print(f"{start.capitalize()} taking a video. (If you want to {end}, please press {toBLUE(cvKey.TAKE_VIDEO_KEY)} again.)") # Super Class function. else: is_break = super().recieveKey(key) if is_break: self.gen.release() else: _, self.crt_frame = self.crt_fname = now_str() return is_break
[docs]class FrameWindow(cvWindow): """OpenCV window for Frames (images or video). Args: path (str) : path to video file, or directory which stores sequential images. ext (str) : File extension. (default= ``".jpg"`` ) Attributes: basenames (str) : Concatenate of the final components of ``path`` input_path (tuple) : ``path`` frame_generator (function) : function which generates sequential frames. - If ``len(path)==1`` -> :py:func:`mono_frame_generator <pycharmers.opencv.video_image_handler.mono_frame_generator>` - Otherwise -> :py:func:`multi_frame_generator_concat <>` gen (gen) : Generator created by ``frame_generator`` total_num (int) : The total number of frames. crt_frame_no (int) : The current number of frames. (1-based index.) crt_frame (ndarray) : The current image. range_start (int) : Start number in the selected range. range_end (int) : End number in the selected range. Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> from pycharmers.opencv import FrameWindow, SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO >>> window = FrameWindow(SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO) >>> while True: ... key = cv2.waitKey(0) ... is_break = window.recieveKey(key) ... if is_break: ... break >>> cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ def __init__(self, *path, winname=None, dirname=None, ext=".jpg", move_distance=10, expansion_rate=1.1, cvKey=cvKeys(**DEFAULT_FRAME_KEYS)): self.basenames = ".".join([basenaming(p) for p in path]) self.ext = ext super().__init__( winname=winname, dirname=dirname, move_distance=move_distance, expansion_rate=expansion_rate, cvKey=cvKeys(**DEFAULT_CV_KEYS), ) self.cvKey.update(cvKey) self.input_path = path self.frame_generator = { True : mono_frame_generator, False : multi_frame_generator_concat, }[len(path)==1] self.gen = self.frame_generator(*path) self.total_num = count_frame_num(path[0]) self.range_start = self.range_end = None self.crt_frame = self.gen.__next__() self.crt_frame_no = 1 # 1-based index.
[docs] def fnaming(self, *no, ext=None): """Naming the file based on the number of frame. Args: no (int) : Index of the frame. ext (str) : File extension. """ ext = ext or self.ext if len(no)==1: name = f"{int2ordinal(no[0])}" elif len(no)==2: start, end = no name = f"{int2ordinal(start)}-{int2ordinal(start)}" return f"{self.basenames}_{name}_outof_{self.total_num}{ext}"
[docs] def show(self, mat=None): """Displays an image in the specified window. (``self.winname``) Args: mat (np.ndarray): Image to be shown. """ if mat is None: mat = self.crt_frame draw_text_with_bg( img=mat, text=f"{self.crt_frame_no}/{self.total_num}", org=(50, 50), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(0,0,0), bgcolor=(255,255,255), color_type="css4", thickness=1, ) super().show(mat)
[docs] def recieveKey(self, key): """Response according to Recieved key. Args: key (int): Input Key. (= ``cv2.waitKey(0)``) Returns: is_break (bool) Whether loop break or not. If break, destroy the window. """ is_break = False cvKey = self.cvKey if key in cvKey.FRAME_KEYS_ORD: if key == cvKey.FRAME_ADVANCE_KEY_ORD: self.crt_frame_no = min(self.total_num, self.crt_frame_no+1) elif key == cvKey.FRAME_BACK_KEY_ORD: self.crt_frame_no = max(1, self.crt_frame_no-1) elif key == cvKey.FRAME_JUMP_KEY_ORD: frame_no = int(wait_for_input(fmt="Jump to {val} / " + f"{self.total_num} frame.")) self.crt_frame_no = max(1, min(int(frame_no), self.total_num)) self.gen = self.frame_generator(*self.input_path, frame_no=self.crt_frame_no-1) self.crt_frame = self.gen.__next__() # Do range processing elif key in cvKey.RANGE_KEYS_ORD: target, other = ("range_start", "range_end")[:: 1 if key == cvKey.RANGE_START_KEY_ORD else -1] self.__dict__[target] = self.crt_frame_no print(f"{target}: {int2ordinal(self.crt_frame_no)} frame.") if self.__dict__[other] is not None: self.range_processing() # Take a picture of the current frame. elif key == cvKey.TAKE_PICTURE_KEY_ORD: cv2.imwrite(filename=os.path.join(self.img_save_dir, self.fnaming(self.crt_frame_no)), img=self.crt_frame) print(f"Take a screenshot of {int2ordinal(self.crt_frame_no)} frame.") # Super Class function. else: is_break = super().recieveKey(key) return is_break
[docs] def range_processing(self): """Select a range and process the image or video of that part.""" start = self.range_start end = self.range_end span = end-start+1 if span>0: cvKey = self.cvKey print(*pretty_3quote(f""" # You select {start}-{end} frame * press '{toBLUE(cvKey.TAKE_VIDEO_KEY)}' to extract a video. * press '{toBLUE(cvKey.TAKE_PICTURE_KEY)}' to shot all frames in the range. """)) gen = self.frame_generator(*self.input_path, frame_no=start-1) total_num = self.total_num while True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) handleKeyError(lst=cvKey.TAKE_KEYS, key=chr(key)) if key == cvKey.TAKE_PICTURE_KEY_ORD: for i,frame in enumerate(gen): current = start+i fn = f"{self.basenames}.{current}.out.of.{total_num}.jpg" cv2.imwrite(filename=os.path.join(self.img_save_dir, self.fnaming(current)), img=frame) if current >= end: break print(f"Take a screenshots from {int2ordinal(start)} frame to {int2ordinal(end)} frame.") break elif key == cvKey.TAKE_VIDEO_KEY_ORD: out_video = VideoWriterCreate( in_path=self.input_path[0], out_path=os.path.join(self.video_save_dir, self.fnaming(start, end, ext=".mp4")) ) for i,frame in enumerate(gen): out_video.write(frame) if start+i >= end: break out_video.release() print(f"Extract a video from {int2ordinal(start)} frame to {int2ordinal(end)} frame.") break self.range_start = self.range_end = None else: print(f"{toGREEN('range_start')} must be an earlier frame than {toGREEN('range_end')}.")
[docs]class TrackingWindow(FrameWindow, RealTimeWindow): """OpenCV window for Trackings (images or video). Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> from pycharmers.opencv import TrackingWindow, SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO >>> window = TrackingWindow(path=SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO, tracker="boosting", coord_type="xywh") >>> while True: ... key = cv2.waitKey(0) ... is_break = window.recieveKey(key) ... if is_break: ... break >>> cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ def __init__(self, path, tracker="boosting", coord_type="xywh", bbox=(0,0,0,0), winname=None, dirname=None, move_distance=10, expansion_rate=1.1, cvKey=cvKeys(**DEFAULT_TRACKING_KEYS), **metadata): super().__init__( path, winname=winname, dirname=dirname, move_distance=move_distance, expansion_rate=expansion_rate, cvKey=cvKey, ) self.moveWindow(0, 0) # Preparation for Tracking self.draw_bboxes = draw_bboxes_create(coord_type=coord_type) self.tracker = tracker_create(tracker) self.logger = None self.bbox = self.init(bbox=bbox, coord_type=coord_type, input_path=path, dirname=dirname, tracking_method=str(tracker)) @property def init_bbox_winname(self): return self.winname + "-initial_bbox"
[docs] def init(self, bbox=(0,0,0,0), coord_type="xywh", input_path=None, dirname=None, **metadata): if self.logger is not None: self.logger = BBoxLogger(coord_type=coord_type, input_path=input_path, dirname=dirname, **metadata) # Get curt (initial) frame. frame = self.gen.__next__() self.gen = self.frame_generator(*self.input_path, frame_no=self.crt_frame_no) if min((bbox[-2:])) == 0: bbox = cv2.selectROI(windowName=self.init_bbox_winname, img=frame, showCrosshair=True, fromCenter=False) else: frame = self.draw_bboxes(frame=frame, bboxes=bbox, info={"text": "initial"}) cv2.imshow(self.init_bbox_winname, frame) self.tracker.init(frame, bbox) self.logger.add_bboxes(no=self.crt_frame_no, bboxes=bbox) return bbox
[docs] def recieveKey(self, key): """Response according to Recieved key. Args: key (int): Input Key. (= ``cv2.waitKey(0)``) Returns: is_break (bool) Whether loop break or not. If break, destroy the window. """ is_break = False cvKey = self.cvKey if key in cvKey.TRACKING_KEYS_ORD: if key==cvKey.TRACKING_INIT_KEY_ORD: self.gen = self.frame_generator(*self.input_path, frame_no=self.crt_frame_no-1) frame = self.gen.__next__() self.bbox = cv2.selectROI(windowName=self.winname + "_initial_bbox", img=frame, showCrosshair=True, fromCenter=False) self.tracker.init(frame, self.bbox) else: for frame in self.gen: self.crt_frame_no += 1 track, bbox = self.tracker.update(frame) self.logger.add_bboxes(no=self.crt_frame_no, bboxes=bbox) if track: bbox = [int(e) for e in bbox] frame = self.draw_bboxes(frame=frame, bboxes=bbox) else: draw_text_with_bg( img=frame, text="failure", org=(50,50), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, fontScale=1, color="red", bgcolor="white", color_type="css4", thickness=1, ) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k==cvKey.TRACKING_STOP_KEY_ORD: break else: is_break = super().recieveKey(key) return is_break