Source code for pycharmers.opencv.video_image_handler

#coding: utf-8
import os
import re
import cv2
import warnings
import numpy as np

from .editing import vconcat_resize_min, hconcat_resize_min
from ..utils._colorings import toRED, toGREEN, toBLUE
from ..utils.generic_utils import calc_rectangle_size, now_str, handleKeyError
from ..utils.print_utils import pretty_3quote
from ._cvpath import save_dir_create

from typing import Union,Optional,Tuple

IMAGE_FILE_PATTERN = r".*\.(jpg|png|bmp|jpeg)"

[docs]def mono_frame_generator(path, frame_no=0): """Mono frame Generator which displays a single frame in a video or single image in a directory. Args: path (str) : ``path/to/images/directory`` or ``path/to/video.mp4`` frame_no (int) : If specified (``>0``), the image can be displayed from a specific positions. Returns: generator Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import mono_frame_generator >>> from pycharmers.opencv import PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR >>> for img in mono_frame_generator(path=PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR): ... print(img.shape) (512, 512, 3) """ if os.path.isfile(path): video = cv2.VideoCapture(path) video.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_no) while True: ret, frame = if not ret: break yield frame video.release() else: fn_list = sorted(os.listdir(path))[frame_no:] for fn in fn_list: frame = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path, fn)) if frame is None: continue yield frame
[docs]def multi_frame_generator_sepa(*path, frame_no=0): """Multiple frame generator. (separatory) Args: path (str) : ``path/to/images/directory`` or ``path/to/video.mp4`` frame_no (int) : If specified (``>0``), the image can be displayed from a specific positions. Returns: generator Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import multi_frame_generator_sepa >>> from pycharmers.opencv import PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR >>> gen = multi_frame_generator_sepa(PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR, PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR) >>> for img in gen: ... print(len(img), img[0].shape) 2 (512, 512, 3) """ return zip(*[mono_frame_generator(p, frame_no=frame_no) for p in path])
[docs]def multi_frame_generator_concat(*paths, frame_no=0, grid=None): """Multiple frame generator. (In a connected state) Args: path (str) : ``path/to/images/directory`` or ``path/to/video.mp4`` frame_no (int) : If specified (``>0``), the image can be displayed from a specific positions. grid (tuple) : How to concatenate the multiple frames. (ncols, nrows) Returns: generator Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import multi_frame_generator_concat >>> from pycharmers.opencv import PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR >>> gen = multi_frame_generator_concat(PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR, PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR, grid=(1,2)) >>> for img in gen: ... print(img.shape) (512, 1024, 3) """ num_frames = len(paths) nrow, ncol = calc_rectangle_size(area=num_frames, w=None) if grid is None else grid expected_frames = nrow * ncol num_black_frame = expected_frames - num_frames names = [basenaming(path) for path in paths] max_name_len = 1 gen = mono_frame_generator(paths[0]) frame = gen.__next__() balck_frames = tuple(np.zeros_like(frame))*num_black_frame gens = multi_frame_generator_sepa(*paths, frame_no=frame_no) for frames in gens: frames += balck_frames concated_frame = vconcat_resize_min(*[ hconcat_resize_min(*frames[r*ncol:(r+1)*ncol]) for r in range(nrow) ]) yield concated_frame
[docs]def count_frame_num(path): """Count the number of frames. Args: path (str) : path to video file, or directory which stores sequential images. Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import count_frame_num, SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO, PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR >>> count_frame_num(SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO) 795 >>> count_frame_num(PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_IMAGE_DIR) 1 """ if os.path.isfile(path): video = cv2.VideoCapture(path) frame_num = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) else: frame_num = len(list(filter(lambda fn:, fn, re.IGNORECASE), os.listdir(path)))) return int(frame_num)
[docs]def basenaming(path): """Returns the final component of a pathname. - If ``path`` indicates video file (``path/to/sample.mp4``) -> ``sample`` - If ``path`` indicates directory (``path/to/sample``) -> ``sample`` Args: path (str) : path to video file, or directory which stores sequential images. Examples: >>> import os >>> from pycharmers.opencv import basenaming >>> os.path.exists("path/to/sample.mp4") True >>> basenaming("path/to/sample.mp4") 'sample' >>> basenaming("path/to/sample") 'sample' >>> os.path.exists("path/to/sample2.mp4") False >>> basenaming("path/to/sample_.mp4") 'sample_.mp4' """ if os.path.isfile(path): # File. (Video) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] else: # Directory. (stores sequential images.) name = os.path.basename(path) return name
[docs]def VideoWriterCreate(input_path:Optional[str]=None, out_path:Optional[str]=None, codec:str="MP4V", fps:Optional[float]=None, size:Tuple[int,int]=(None,None), verbose:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Tuple[bool, cv2.VideoWriter, str]: """Create a ``cv2.VideoWriter`` which creates a video whose option is same as that of input. Args: input_path (Optional[str], optional) : Input media path for video/image file or image directory. Defaults to ``None``. out_path (Optional[str], optional) : Output path for the created video. Defaults to ``None``. codec (str, optional) : A video codec for the created output video. fps (float, optional) : Frames Per Second. Defaults to ``None``. size (Tuple[int, int], optional) : frame size for the created video. Defaults to ``(None, None)``. verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to print the created ``cv2.VideoWriter`` info. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: Tuple[bool, cv2.VideoWriter, str]: A tuple of three elements. - flag if ``VideoWriter`` is created correctly, , A instance of ``cv2.VideoWriter``. - A instance of created ``VideoWriter``. - Output path for ``VideoWriter``. Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import VideoWriterCreate >>> is_ok, VideoWriter = VideoWriterCreate(input_path=None, fps=30., height=360, width=480) (True, <VideoWriter 0x12597def0>) >>> is_ok, VideoWriter = VideoWriterCreate(input_path="path/to/video.mp4") (True, <VideoWriter 0x125345050>) >>> is_ok, VideoWriter = VideoWriterCreate(input_path="path/to/image_dir") (True, <VideoWriter 0x125345d70>) Raises: TypeError: When not enough information such as ``fps``, ``width``, or ``height``. """ W, H = size if (input_path is None) or (not os.path.exists(input_path)): W = W or kwargs.get("width", kwargs.get("W")) H = H or kwargs.get("height", kwargs.get("H")) if (W is None) or (H is None): raise TypeError(f"Please specify the {toGREEN('size')}(width,height) of the output video.") elif os.path.isfile(input_path): if, string=input_path, flags=re.IGNORECASE): img = cv2.imread(input_path) H,W = img.shape[:2] else: video = cv2.VideoCapture(input_path) W = W or int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) H = H or int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) fps = fps or video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) else: # os.path.isdir(input_path): for fn in os.listdir(input_path): img_path = os.path.join(input_path, fn) img = cv2.imread(img_path) if img is not None: break W = W or img.shape[1] H = H or img.shape[0] if fps is None: raise TypeError(f"Please specify the {toGREEN('fps')} of the output video.") ideal_ext = videocodec2ext(codec) if out_path is None: out_path = now_str() + ideal_ext else: root,original_ext = os.path.splitext(out_path) if original_ext != ideal_ext: warnings.warn(f"Change the file extension from {toRED(original_ext)} to {toGREEN(ideal_ext)} according to video codec ({toGREEN(codec)}).") out_path = root + ideal_ext fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*codec) VideoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(out_path, fourcc, fps, (W,H)) is_ok = VideoWriter.isOpened() if not is_ok: warnings.warn(*pretty_3quote(toRED(""" Could not make a typing video because VideoWriter was not created successfully. Look at the warning text from OpenCV above and do what you need to do. """))) flag, status = (toRED("[failure]"), "can") else: flag, status = (toGREEN("[success]"), "can't") if verbose: print(*pretty_3quote(f""" {flag} {toGREEN("VideoWriter")} {status} be created. * Size (W,H) : ({toGREEN(W)},{toGREEN(H)}) * Video Codec : {toGREEN(codec)} * Output Path : {toBLUE(out_path)} """)) return (is_ok, VideoWriter, out_path)
[docs]def VideoCaptureCreate(path=None, cam=0): """Create a VideoCapture (mimic) object. Args: path (str) : path to video or image. cam (int) : The ID of the web camera Returns: cap (cv2.VideoCapture) : VideoCapture (mimic) object. Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import VideoCaptureCreate, cv2plot >>> from pycharmers.opencv import SAMPLE_LENA_IMG, SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO >>> for path in [SAMPLE_LENA_IMG, SAMPLE_VTEST_VIDEO, None]: ... cap = VideoCaptureCreate(path=path, cam=0) ... ret,frame = ... cv2plot(frame) ... cap.release() """ if path is None: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cam) elif, string=path, flags=re.IGNORECASE): class VideoMimic(): def __init__(self, path): frame = cv2.imread(path) self.frame = frame = { cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH : frame.shape[1], cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT : frame.shape[0], cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS : 30.0, } def read(self): return True, self.frame def release(self): return True def get(self, id): return def set(self, id): pass cap = VideoMimic(path) else: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path) return cap
[docs]def videocodec2ext(*codec) -> str: """Convert video codec to video extension. Args: codec (Union[tuple, str]) : Video Codec. Returns: str: Ideal file extension. Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import videocodec2ext >>> videocodec2ext("MP4V") '.mp4' >>> videocodec2ext("mp4v") '.mov' >>> videocodec2ext("VP80") '.webm' >>> videocodec2ext("XVID") '.avi >>> videocodec2ext("☺️") '.mp4' Raises: KeyError: When the file extension cannot be inferred from the video ``codec``. """ if len(codec)==1 and isinstance(codec[0], str): codec = codec[0] else: codec = "".join(codec) codec2ext = { "VP80": ".webm", "MP4S": ".mp4", "MP4V": ".mp4", "mp4v": ".mov", "H264": ".mp4", "X264": ".mp4", "DIV3": ".avi", "DIVX": ".avi", "IYUV": ".avi", "MJPG": ".avi", "XVID": ".avi", "THEO": ".ogg", "H263": ".wmv", } handleKeyError(lst=list(codec2ext.keys()), codec=codec) return codec2ext[codec]