Source code for pycharmers.opencv.tracking

#coding: utf-8
import os
import cv2

from ._cvpath import save_dir_create
from .video_image_handler import basenaming
from .drawing import SUPPORTED_COORD_TYPES, draw_bboxes_create, draw_text_with_bg
from ..utils.generic_utils import get_create, handleKeyError
from ..utils.json_utils import save_json
from ..utils._colorings import toBLUE, toGREEN

    # "boosting"   : cv2.TrackerBoosting_create, # cv2.legacy_TrackerBoosting
    # "csrt"       : cv2.TrackerCSRT_create, # Comment out if you use opencv-python
    "goturn"     : cv2.TrackerGOTURN_create,
    # "kcf"        : cv2.TrackerKCF_create,  # Comment out if you use opencv-python
    "mil"        : cv2.TrackerMIL_create,
    # "mosse"      : cv2.TrackerMOSSE_create, # cv2.legacy_TrackerMOSSE
    # "medianflow" : cv2.TrackerMedianFlow_create,
    # "tld"        : cv2.TrackerTLD_create,

tracker_create = get_create(corresp_dict=all, class_=[cv2.Tracker], genre="tracker")
tracker_create.__doc__ += """
        >>> import cv2
        >>> from pycharmers.opencv import tracker_create
        >>> boosting = tracker_create("boosting")
        >>> boosting
        <TrackerBoosting 0x122398c50>
        >>> boosting = tracker_create(cv2.TrackerBoosting_create())
        >>> boosting
        <TrackerBoosting 0x122398f50>
        >>> boosting = tracker_create(cv2.TrackerBoosting)
        TypeError: identifier must be one of ['cv2.Tracker', 'str'], not type

[docs]class BBoxLogger(): """Store Bounding Boxes logs. Args: input_path (str) : Path to input image directory or video. coord_type (str) : Coordinate types. Examples: >>> from pycharmers.utils import pycat >>> from pycharmers.opencv import BBoxLogger >>> bbox_logger = BBoxLogger() >>> bbox_logger.add_bboxes(no=1, bboxes=[(120,120,40,40)]) >>> out_path = tracking info was saved at /Users/iwasakishuto/.pycharmers/opencv/json/2020-09-25@01.05.18.json >>> pycat(out_path) { "coord_type": "xywh", "BBoxes": { "1": [ [ 120, 120, 40, 40 ] ] } } """ def __init__(self, coord_type="xywh", input_path=None, dirname=None, **metadata): handleKeyError(lst=SUPPORTED_COORD_TYPES, coord_type=coord_type) self.init(input_path=input_path, coord_type=coord_type, **metadata) # Bounding Box Convertor. self.dirname = dirname
[docs] def init(self, input_path=None, coord_type="xywh", **metadata): """Initialization of the logs.""" self.BBoxes = {} self.logs = {"coord_type" : coord_type} if input_path is not None: self.logs["abs_path"] = os.path.abspath(input_path) self.logs["is_video"] = os.path.isfile(input_path) self.logs.update(metadata)
[docs] def add_bboxes(self, no, bboxes): """Add Bounding Boxes Args: no (int) : Frame number. bboxes (list) : List of bounding boxes. """ self.BBoxes[no] = bboxes
[docs] def save(self, out_path=None): """Save the results""" out_path = out_path or save_dir_create(dirname=self.dirname, image=False, video=False, json=True)[0] self.logs["BBoxes"] = self.BBoxes save_json(obj=self.logs, file=out_path) print(f"tracking info was saved at {toBLUE(out_path)}") return out_path