Source code for pycharmers.opencv.project

#coding: utf-8
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np

from . import cvui
from ._cvpath import PYCHARMERS_OPENCV_VIDEO_DIR
from .editing import resize_aspect
from .video_image_handler import VideoCaptureCreate
from .windows import cv2key2chr
from ..utils.generic_utils import now_str
from ..utils.subprocess_utils import get_monitor_size
from ..utils._colorings import toBLUE
from ..__meta__ import __project_name__

[docs]class cv2Project(): """OpenCV project wrapper with useful GUI tools. Args: args (Namespace) : Simple object for storing attributes. Note: * Image object ( ``np.ndarray`` ) has the shape ( ``height`` , ``width`` , ``channel`` ) * ``XXX_size`` attributes are formatted as ( ``width`` , ``height`` ) Attributes: cap (VideoCapture) : VideoCapture (mimic) object. See :meth:`VideoCaptureCreate <pycharmers.opencv.video_image_handler.VideoCaptureCreate>` monitor (np.ndarray) : Background image. shape= ( ``monitor_height`` , ``monitor_width``, 3) monitor_height : The height of monitor. monitor_width : The width of monitor. original_height (int) : The height of original frame. original_width (int) : The width of original frame. frame_height (int) : The height of resized frame. frame_width (int) : The width of resized frame. frame_dsize (tuple) : ( ``frame_width`` , ``frame_height`` ) frame_halfsize (tuple) : ( ``frame_width//2`` , ``frame_height//2`` ) gui_x (int) : ``frame_width`` + ``gui_margin`` fps (int) : Frame per seconds. video (cv2.VideoWriter) : Video Writer. video_fn (str) : The file name of video. OtherAttributes: See :py:class:`cv2ArgumentParser <pycharmers.utils.argparse_utils.cv2ArgumentParser>` . """ def __init__(self, args, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(args.__dict__) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.init()
[docs] def init(self): """Initialize VideoCapture (mimic) object and GUI tools. Note: * To run this method, ``self`` must have these attributes. * winname (str) : Window name. * path (str) : Path to video or image. * cam (int) : The ID of the web camera. * ext (str) : The extension for saved image. * gui_width (int) : The width of the GUI tools. * gui_margin (int) : The margin of GUI control tools. * monitor_size (ListParamProcessor) : Monitor size. ( ``width`` , ``height`` ) * autofit (bool) : Whether to fit display size to window size. * twitter (bool) : Whether you want to run for tweet. ( ``display_size`` will be () ) * capture (bool) : Whether you want to save as video. * After run this method, ``self`` will have these attributes. * cap (VideoCapture) : VideoCapture (mimic) object. See :meth:`VideoCaptureCreate <pycharmers.opencv.video_image_handler.VideoCaptureCreate>` * monitor (np.ndarray) : Background image. shape= ( ``monitor_height`` , ``monitor_width``, 3) * monitor_height : The height of monitor. * monitor_width : The width of monitor. * original_height (int) : The height of original frame. * original_width (int) : The width of original frame. * frame_height (int) : The height of resized frame. * frame_width (int) : The width of resized frame. * frame_dsize (tuple) : ( ``frame_width`` , ``frame_height`` ) * frame_halfsize (tuple) : ( ``frame_width//2`` , ``frame_height//2`` ) * gui_x (int) : ``frame_width`` + ``gui_margin`` * fps (int) : Frame per seconds. * video (cv2.VideoWriter) : Video Writer. * video_fn (str) : The file name of video. * fn_prefix (str) : The prefix of filename ( ``"" if self.path is None else self.path+"."`` ) """ cap = VideoCaptureCreate(path=self.path, if self.autofit: monitor_width, monitor_height = get_monitor_size() elif self.twitter: monitor_width, monitor_height = (1300, 733) else: monitor_width, monitor_height = self.monitor_size fn_prefix = "" if self.path is None else self.path+"." monitor = np.zeros(shape=(monitor_height, monitor_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) original_height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) original_width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) frame_height, frame_width = resize_aspect(src=np.zeros(shape=(original_height, original_width, 1), dtype=np.uint8), dsize=(monitor_width-self.gui_width, monitor_height)).shape[:2] frame_dsize = (frame_width, frame_height) frame_halfsize = (frame_width//2, frame_height//2) gui_x = frame_width + self.gui_margin fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) video_path = f'{fn_prefix}.{now_str()}.mp4' video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m','p','4','v'), fps, (monitor_width, monitor_height)) print(f"Created {toBLUE(video_path)}") cvui.init(windowNames=self.winname, numWindows=1, delayWaitKey=1, createNamedWindows=True) cv2.moveWindow(winname=self.winname, x=0, y=0) # NOTE: Register the variables defined here as attributes. defined_args = locals() defined_args.pop("self") self.__dict__.update(defined_args)
[docs] def wrap(self, func): """Wrap the function. Args: func (function) : A function that receives and returns ``frame``. """ params = self.__dict__ char = "" while (True): self.monitor[:] = self.gui_color ret, frame = if not ret: break # Wrap the function. frame = func(frame=frame, **params) # Recieve the key. key = cvui.lastKeyPressed() if key != -1: char = cv2key2chr(key) # y = self.frame_height-120 cvui.text(where=self.monitor, x=self.gui_x, y=self.frame_height-120, text=f" Your input: {char}") # y = self.frame_height-95 if cvui.button(where=self.monitor, x=self.gui_x, y=self.frame_height-95, width=70, height=30, label="&Save", color=(137, 225, 241)): filename = f'{self.fn_prefix}.{now_str()}{self.ext}' cv2.imwrite(filename=filename, img=frame) cv2.imshow(winname=filename, mat=resize_aspect(cv2.imread(filename), dsize=self.frame_halfsize)) print(f"Saved {toBLUE(filename)}") if cvui.button(where=self.monitor, x=self.gui_x+80, y=self.frame_height-95, width=80, height=30, label="&Stop" if self.capture else "&Capture", color=(110, 93, 211) if self.capture else (177, 163, 121)): self.capture = not self.capture # y = self.frame_height-60 if key == cvui.ESCAPE or cvui.button(where=self.monitor, x=self.gui_x+105, y=self.frame_height-60, width=55, height=30, label="&Quit", color=(128, 95, 159)): break if cvui.button(where=self.monitor, x=self.gui_x, y=self.frame_height-60, width=95, height=30, label="&FullScreen", color=(116, 206, 173)): cv2.setWindowProperty( winname=self.winname, prop_id=cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, prop_value=1-cv2.getWindowProperty( winname=self.winname, prop_id=cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, ) ) # y = self.frame_height-20 cvui.text(where=self.monitor, x=self.gui_x, y=self.frame_height-20, text=__project_name__) cvui.beginRow(where=self.monitor, x=0, y=0) cvui.image(image=cv2.resize(src=frame, dsize=self.frame_dsize)) cvui.endRow() cvui.update() cv2.imshow(self.winname, self.monitor) if self.capture: self.release()
[docs] def release(self): """Do the necessary processing at the end""" cv2.destroyAllWindows() self.cap.release() if os.path.getsize(self.video_path) <= 1000: os.remove(self.video_path) print(f"Deleted {toBLUE(self.video_path)} (because you didn't capture the window)")