Source code for pycharmers.opencv.drawing

#coding: utf-8
import re
import cv2
import math
import numpy as np

from ..utils.generic_utils import handleKeyError
from ..matplotlib.cmaps import FAMOUS_COLOR_PALETTES, color_dict_create
from ..matplotlib.layout import FigAxes_create, clear_grid

SUPPORTED_COORD_TYPES = ["xywh", "ltrb"]
cv2BLACK   = (0,     0,   0)
cv2RED     = (0,     0, 255)
cv2GREEN   = (0,   128,   0)
cv2YELLOW  = (0,   255, 255)
cv2BLUE    = (255,   0,   0)
cv2MAGENTA = (255,   0, 255)
cv2CYAN    = (255, 255,   0)
cv2WHITE   = (255, 255, 255)

[docs]def convert_coords(bbox, to_type, from_type=""): """Convert coordinates:: [OpenCV] [YOLO] (x,y)---------(x+w,y) (l,t)----------(r,t) | | | | | | | | | | | | (x,y+h)-------(x+w,y+h) (l,b)----------(r,b) [xywh] [ltrb] Args: bbox (tuple) : Bounding Box coordinates. to_type (str) : coordinate type. Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import convert_coords >>> xywh = (120,250,60,80) >>> ltrb = convert_coords(bbox=xywh, to_type="ltrb") >>> xywh = convert_coords(bbox=ltrb, to_type="xywh") """ handleKeyError(lst=SUPPORTED_COORD_TYPES, to_type=to_type) if from_type!=to_type: a,b,c,d = bbox if to_type == "xywh": a,b,c,d = (a,b,c-a,d-b) elif to_type == "ltrb": a,b,c,d = (a,b,a+c,b+d) bbox = (a,b,c,d) return bbox
[docs]def draw_bboxes_create(coord_type="xywh"): handleKeyError(lst=SUPPORTED_COORD_TYPES, coord_type=coord_type) def draw_bboxes(frame, bboxes, infos=None): if not hasattr(bboxes[0], "__iter__"): bboxes = [bboxes] if infos is None: infos = [{} for _ in range(len(bboxes))] for bbox,info in zip(bboxes, infos): color = info.pop("color", (0,255,0)) text = info.pop("text", "") rectangle_thickness = info.pop("rectangle_thickness", 3) l,t,r,b = convert_coords(bbox, to_type="ltrb", from_type=coord_type) cv2.rectangle(img=frame, pt1=(l, t), pt2=(r, b), color=color, thickness=rectangle_thickness) if len(text)>0: draw_text_with_bg(img=frame, text=text, org=(l,t-10), offset=(10, 10), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.5, thickness=2) return frame dict_infos = '{"color":(255,0,0),"text": "person1"},{"color":(0,255,0),"text": "person2"}' draw_bboxes.__doc__ = f"""Drawing Inference results on frame. Args: frame (ndarray) : Image. shape=(H,W,ch) bboxes (list) : Each element is the coordinate (x,y,w,h) infos (list) : Each element is dictionary. (``key`` is ``color``, or ``text``) Examples: >>> import cv2 >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pycharmers.opencv import draw_bboxes_{coord_type}, cv2read_mpl >>> img = cv2read_mpl("path/to/img.png") >>> draw_bboxes_{coord_type}( ... frame=img, ... bboxes=[(120,250,60,80),(220,40,80,100)], ... infos=[{dict_infos}] ... ) >>> plt.imshow(img) >>> """ return draw_bboxes
draw_bboxes_xywh = draw_bboxes_create(coord_type="xywh") draw_bboxes_ltrb = draw_bboxes_create(coord_type="ltrb")
[docs]def cv2read_mpl(filename, *flags): """loads an image from the specified file and returns it as RGB format. Args: filename (str): Name of file to be loaded. flags (int) : Flags. """ return cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(filename, *flags), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
[docs]def cv2plot(x, ax=None, clear_pos=["l","t","r","b"], cmap=None, is_cv2=True, figkeywargs={}, plotkeywargs={}): """Plot Image using OpenCV Args: x (str/np.ndarray) : path to an image, or image. (BGR) ax (Axes) : The ``Axes`` instance. clear_pos (list) : Positions to clean a grid cmap (str) : is_cv2 (bool) : Whether ``x`` is BGR (OpenCV format) or not. figkeywargs (dict) : Keyword arguments for :meth:`FigAxes_create <pycharmers.matplotlib.layout.FigAxes_create>` plotkeywargs (dict) : Keyword arguments for ``ax.imshow`` . Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import cv2plot, SAMPLE_LENA_IMG >>> ax = cv2plot(x=SAMPLE_LENA_IMG) """ cmap = cmap or plotkeywargs.pop("cmap", None) ax = FigAxes_create(ax=ax, **figkeywargs)[1][0] if isinstance(x, str): x = cv2read_mpl(x) elif is_cv2: x = cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) ax.imshow(X=x, cmap=cmap, **plotkeywargs) ax = clear_grid(ax, pos=clear_pos) return ax
[docs]def draw_text_with_bg(img, text, org=(10,10), offset=(10, 10), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=cv2BLACK, bgcolor=cv2WHITE, color_type="css4", thickness=2, **kwargs): """Put text with background color. Args: img (np.ndarray) : Image. text (str) : Text string to be drawn. org (tuple) : Bottom-left corner of the text string in the image. fontFace (int) : Font type. fontScale (int) : Font scale factor that is multiplied by the font-specific base size. color (str/tuple) : Text color. thickness (int) : Thickness of the lines used to draw a text. lineType (int) : Line type. bottomLeftOrigin (bool) : When ``True`, the image data origin is at the bottom-left corner. Otherwise, it is at the top-left corner. Examples: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pycharmers.opencv import draw_text_with_bg, cv2read_mpl, SAMPLE_LENA_IMG >>> img = cv2read_mpl(filename=SAMPLE_LENA_IMG) >>> draw_text_with_bg(img=img, offset=(100,-100), text="My name is Shuto") >>> plt.imshow(img) >>> """ if isinstance(color, str): color = FAMOUS_COLOR_PALETTES.get(color_type).get(color, cv2BLACK) if isinstance(bgcolor, str): bgcolor = FAMOUS_COLOR_PALETTES.get(color_type).get(bgcolor, cv2WHITE) text_W, text_H = cv2.getTextSize(text=text, fontFace=fontFace, fontScale=fontScale, thickness=thickness)[0] text_off_x, text_off_y = offset org_x, org_y = org box_coords = ( (org_x - text_off_x, org_y + text_off_y), (org_x + text_W + text_off_x, org_y - text_H - text_off_y) ) cv2.rectangle(img, *box_coords, bgcolor, cv2.FILLED) cv2.putText( img=img, text=text, org=org, fontFace=fontFace, fontScale=fontScale, color=color, thickness=thickness, **kwargs )
[docs]def plot_cv2fontFaces(bgcolor=(50,50,50), cmap="Pastel1"): """Plot All ``fontFace`` supported by OpenCV. Args: bgcolor (tuple) : background color (RGB) cmap (str) : The name of a color map known to ``matplotlib`` Examples: >>> from pycharmers.opencv import plot_cv2fontFaces >>> plot_cv2fontFaces() """ i=0; img = np.full(shape=(400,1400,3), fill_value=bgcolor, dtype=np.uint8) color_dict = color_dict_create(keys=range(8), cmap=cmap, max_val=255) for name,val in cv2.__dict__.items(): m = re.match(pattern=r"^FONT_(?!.*ITALIC$).+$", string=name) if m: cv2.putText(img=img, text=f"{val:>02} {name}", org=(20, 35+50*i), fontScale=1, color=color_dict[i%8], fontFace=val) cv2.putText(img=img, text=f"{val | cv2.FONT_ITALIC:>02} {name}", org=(720, 35+50*i), fontScale=1, color=color_dict[i%8], fontFace=val | cv2.FONT_ITALIC) i+=1 ax = cv2plot(img, figkeywargs={"figsize": (14,49)}, is_cv2=False) ax.set_title("OpenCV fontFace [left: normal, right: FONT_ITALICK]", size=20) return ax