# coding: utf-8
import os
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from ..utils.generic_utils import calc_rectangle_size, list_transpose, open_new_tab
from ..utils.templates import render_template
from ..utils._path import PYCHARMERS_HTML_DIR
[docs]def FigAxes_create(fig=None, ax=None, figsize=(6,4), projection=None, nplots=1, ncols=1, nrows=1, axis=0, facecolor="white", **kwargs):
""" Create a figure and a subplot (a set of subplots).
fig (Figure) : The ``Figure`` instance.
ax (Axes) : The ``Axes`` instance.
figsize (tuple) : The figure size for ``1`` plot.
projection (str) : The projection type of the subplot.
nplots (int) : Total number of Plots.
nrows (int) : The number of rows
ncols (int) : The number of columns.
axis (int) : ``0`` or ``1`` Direction to arrange axes.
facecolor (str) : The background color. (default= ``"white"`` )
\*\*kwargs : ``kwargs`` for add_subplot(\*args, \*\*kwargs) method of ``matplotlib.figure.Figure`` instance.
fig (Figure) : The ``Figure`` instance
ax (Axes) : An array of ``Axes`` objects if more than one subplot was created.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from pycharmers.matplotlib import FigAxes_create
>>> num_data = 10
>>> data = range(num_data)
>>> fig, axes = FigAxes_create(nplots=num_data, ncols=4, figsize=(4,4))
>>> for x,ax in zip(data,axes):
... ax.scatter(x,x,s=x+1)
>>> plt.show()
facecolor = kwargs.pop("facecolor", facecolor)
if ax is None:
if fig is None:
ncols, nrows, total_figsize = measure_canvas(nplots=nplots, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=total_figsize, facecolor=facecolor)
elif ncols*nrows<nplots:
ncols, nrows = calc_rectangle_size(area=nplots, w=ncols)
ax = [fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, i+1, projection=projection, **kwargs) for i in range(nplots)]
if axis==1:
ax = list_transpose(lst=ax, width=ncols)
elif not isinstance(ax, list):
ax = [ax]
return (fig, ax)
[docs]def set_ax_info(ax, **kwargs):
"""Set Axes information
ax (Axes) : The ``Axes`` instance.
kwargs : ``key`` indicate the method which is start with ``set_``, and the method takes arguments (``val``) according to the type of ``val``
ax (Axes) : The ``Axes`` instance.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from pycharmers.matplotlib import set_ax_info
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nplots=1)[0]
>>> ax = set_ax_info(ax, aspect=5, title="Title", xlabel="Xlabel", ylabel="Ylabel", yticks={"ticks":[]})
>>> ax.scatter(1,1)
>>> plt.show()
for k,v in kwargs.items():
method = ax.__getattribute__(f"set_{k}")
if isinstance(v, str) and v=="_void":
elif isinstance(v, dict):
elif isinstance(v, tuple):
elif isinstance(v, list) and len(v)==2 and (isinstance(v[0], tuple) and isinstance(v[1], dict)):
args, kwargs = v
method(*args, **kwargs)
return ax
[docs]def clear_grid(ax, pos=["x","y"]):
"""Clear a grid
ax (Axes) : The ``Axes`` instance.
pos (list) : Positions to clean a grid
>>> from pyutils.matplotlib import clear_grid, FigAxes_create
>>> fig,ax = FigAxes_create(nplots=1)[0]
>>> ax = clear_grid(ax=ax, pos=["x", "y"])
>>> ax = clear_grid(ax=ax, pos=list("ltrb"))
if isinstance(pos, str):
pos = [pos]
for p in pos:
if p in ["x", "b", "bottom"]:
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, bottom=False)
elif p in ["y", "l", "left"]:
ax.tick_params(labelleft=False, left=False)
elif p in ["r", "right"]:
ax.tick_params(labelright=False, right=False)
elif p in ["t", "top"]:
ax.tick_params(labeltop=False, top=False)
elif p == "all":
return ax
[docs]def measure_canvas(nplots, ncols=2, figsize=(6,4)):
""" Measure Canvas size.
nplots (int) : Total number of figures.
ncols (int) : The number of columns.
figsize (tuple) : The figure size for ``1`` plot.
ncols (int) : The number of columns.
nrows (int) : The number of rows.
total_figsize (tuple) : The total figure size.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from pycharmers.matplotlib import measure_canvas
>>> num_data = 10
>>> data = range(num_data)
>>> ncols, nrows, total_figsize = measure_canvas(nplots=num_data, ncols=4, figsize=(4,4))
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex="all", sharey="all", figsize=total_figsize)
>>> plot_all = False
>>> for i,ax_row in enumerate(axes):
... for j,ax in enumerate(ax_row):
... idx = i*ncols+j
... if idx>=num_data:
... plot_all = True
... if plot_all:
... fig.delaxes(ax)
... else:
... x = data[idx]+1
... ax.scatter(x,x,s=x*10)
>>> plt.show()
ncols, nrows = calc_rectangle_size(area=nplots, w=ncols)
w, h = figsize
total_figsize = (w*ncols, h*nrows)
return (ncols, nrows, total_figsize)
[docs]def show_all_fonts():
"""Show all fonts available in ``matplotlib`` ."""
fn = "matplotlib.font_manager.fontManager.ttflist.html"
path = os.path.join(PYCHARMERS_HTML_DIR, fn)
context={"fonts": sorted(set([f.name for f in matplotlib.font_manager.fontManager.ttflist]))},
[docs]def mpljapanize(font_family="IPAMincho"):
"""Make matplotlib compatible with Japanese"""
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams["font.family"] = font_family