#coding: utf-8
import os
import re
import sys
import json
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from ..utils._colorings import toBLUE, toGREEN
from ..utils.generic_utils import pycat
[docs]def regexp_replacement(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
"""String replacement in a file using regular expression
- ``.json`` path can be specified by "``json-dir`` / ``json-file``" or "``json-path``"
- output file path can be specified by "``output-path``" or "``input-path`` + ``suffix``"
-I/--input-path (str) : Path/to/input file.
-O/--output-path (str) : Path/to/output file.
-jd/--json-dir (str) : Path/to/json directory.
-jf/--json-file (str) : File name in ``json-dir``.
-jp/--json-path (str) : Path/to/json file.
-suf/--suffix (str) : Suffix of output filename.
-ext/--extension (str) : When 'input-path' is directory, only file in 'input-path' with this extension will be replaced.
--show-all (bool) : If ``True``, show all json file descriptions in ``json-dir``
--show (bool) : If ``True``, show the content of a specified json file.
--quiet (bool) : Whether to make the output quiet.
When you run from the command line, execute as follows::
$ regexp_replacement -I sample.md -jf sample.json
$ regexp_replacement --show-all
$ regexp_replacement -jf sample.json --show
- Replace Input file using regular expression.
.. code-block:: shell
$ regexp-replacement -I sample.md -jf sample.json
Json file : /Users/iwasakishuto/.pycharmers/cli/regexp_replacement/labbooks.json
Input file : sample.md
Output file : sample.md
$ regexp-replacement -I sample.md -jf sample.json -suf suffix
Json: /Users/iwasakishuto/.pycharmers/cli/regexp_replacement/labbooks.json
Input path : sample.md
Output path: sample_suffix.md
- Show all json file in ``json-dir``
.. code-block:: shell
$ regexp-replacement --show-all
Json directory: /Users/iwasakishuto/.pycharmers/cli/regexp_replacement
* sample.json: Sample Json
- Show the content of the file at ``json-path``
.. code-block:: shell
$ regexp-replacement -jf sample.json --show
Json: /Users/iwasakishuto/.pycharmers/cli/regexp_replacement/sample.json
"description" : "Sample Json",
"patterns" : [
["`(.*?)`", "<span class=\"code\">\\1</span>"],
["+(.*?)+", "<span class=\"strong\">\\1</span>"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="regexp-replace", add_help=True)
parser.add_argument("-I", "--input-path", type=str, default=None, help="Path/to/input file.")
parser.add_argument("-O", "--output-path", type=str, default=None, help="Path/to/output file.")
parser.add_argument("-jd", "--json-dir", type=str, default=PYCHARMERS_CLI_REGEXP_REPLACEMENT_DIR, help="Path to JSON dir.")
parser.add_argument("-jf", "--json-file", type=str, default=None, help="Path to JSON file from 'json-dir'")
parser.add_argument("-jp", "--json-path", type=str, default=None, help="Path to JSON file.")
parser.add_argument("-suf", "--suffix", type=str, default="", help="Suffix of output filename.")
parser.add_argument("-ext", "--extension", type=str, default="", help="When 'input-path' is directory, only file in 'input-path' with this extension will be replaced.")
parser.add_argument("--show-all", action="store_true", help="If True, show all json file descriptions in 'json-dir'")
parser.add_argument("--show", action="store_true", help="If True, show the content of a specified json file.")
parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true", help="Whether to make the output quiet")
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
verbose = not args.quiet
# Show all json file in 'json-dir'
if args.show_all:
json_dir = args.json_dir
print(f"Json directory: {toGREEN(json_dir)}")
p = Path(json_dir)
for fn in p.glob("**/*.json"):
with open(fn.absolute()) as f:
print(f"* {toBLUE(fn.name)}: {json.load(f).get('description')}")
# Show the content of the file at `json-path`
json_path = args.json_path or os.path.join(args.json_dir, args.json_file)
if verbose: print(f"Json: {toBLUE(json_path)}")
if args.show:
# Get the contents from json and create a replacement functions.
with open(json_path, mode="r") as f_json:
data = json.load(f_json)
patterns = data.get("patterns", [])
escapes = data.get("escapes", [])
# Replace Strings.
memory = {}; idx = 0
def replace_str(string):
"""Replace Strings.
1. Encode strings
2. Replace the remaining strings
3. Decode strings.
global memory, idx
memory = {}; idx = 0
def encode_create(code="ยบ"):
def encode(m):
global memory, idx
memory[idx] = m.group(0)
idx += 1
return code
return encode
def decode(m):
global memory, idx
ret = memory[idx]
idx += 1
return ret
# Encoding
for pat, repl in escapes:
string = re.sub(pattern=rf"{pat}", repl=encode_create(code=repl), string=string)
# NOTE: Replacement
for pat, repl in patterns:
string = re.sub(pattern=rf"{pat}", repl=rf"{repl}", string=string)
# Decoding
idx = 0
for pat, repl in escapes:
string = re.sub(pattern=repl, repl=decode, string=string)
return string
# Replace File contents.
def replace_file(input_path, output_path):
if verbose: print(f"- {input_path} -> {output_path}")
with open(input_path, mode="r") as f_in:
readlines = f_in.readlines()
with open(output_path, mode="w") as f_out:
def add_suffix(path, suffix, sep="."):
*fp, ext = path.split(sep)
return sep.join(fp) + suffix + sep + ext
input_path = args.input_path
suffix = args.suffix
if len(suffix)>0 and (not suffix.startswith(".")): suffix = "_" + suffix
if os.path.isfile(input_path):
output_path = args.output_path or add_suffix(input_path,suffix)
replace_file(input_path, output_path)
elif os.path.isdir(input_path):
if input_path.endswith("/"): input_path = input_path[:-1]
output_dir = args.output_path
if output_dir is None:
in2out = add_suffix
if output_dir.endswith("/"): output_dir = output_dir[:-1]
in2out = lambda path, suffix : path.replace(input_path, output_dir)
if verbose:
print(f"Input dir : {toBLUE(input_path)}")
print(f"Output dir: {toBLUE(output_dir or '')}")
ext = args.extension
if not ext.startswith("."): ext = "." + ext
p = Path(input_path)
for fp in p.glob(f"**/*{ext}"):
if fp.is_file():
fp = str(fp)
replace_file(fp, in2out(fp, suffix))