Source code for pycharmers.cli.form_auto_fill_in

# coding: utf-8
import os
import re
import sys
import copy
import json
import time
from pathlib import Path
import argparse

from ..utils.driver_utils import get_driver, try_find_element_click, try_find_element_send_keys
from ..utils._colorings import toBLUE, toGREEN, toACCENT
from ..utils.argparse_utils import KwargsParamProcessor
from ..utils.generic_utils import now_str, str_strip, handleKeyError
from ..utils.json_utils import save_json, dumps_json
from ..utils.print_utils import pretty_3quote, tabulate

[docs]def form_auto_fill_in(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """Auto fill in your form using your saved information (or answer on the spot). Args: path (str) : Path to environment file. -remain-unchanged (bool) : Whether you want to update and memorize your answer. (default= ``True`` ) -Y/--yes (bool) : Automatic yes to prompts. --quiet (bool) : Whether you want to be quiet or not. (default= ``False`` ) --browser (bool) : Whether you want to run Chrome with GUI browser. (default= ``True`` ) -P/--params (KwargsParamProcessor) : Specify the kwargs. You can specify by ``-P username=USERNAME`` ``-P password=PASSWORD`` --show-data (bool) : Print the data in path. NOTE: When you run from the command line, execute as follows:: $ form-auto-fill-in UHMRF --yes -P "username=USERNAME" -P "password=PASSWORD" $ form-auto-fill-in UHMRF --show-data $ form-auto-fill-in Examples: >>> # Run in terminal >>> form-auto-fill-in UHMRF --show-data { "name": "UTokyo Health Management Report Form", "URL": "", "login": { "0": { "func": "send_keys", "by": "xpath", : } : } >>> form-auto-fill-in +--------------+--------------------------------------+ | Abbreviation | Name | +==============+======================================+ | UHMRF | UTokyo Health Management Report Form | +--------------+--------------------------------------+ | _sample | SAMPLE FORMS | +--------------+--------------------------------------+ """ if len(argv)==0: tabulate([[os.path.splitext([0], json.load("name", "")] for fn in Path(PYCHARMERS_CLI_FORM_AUTO_FILL_IN_DIR).glob("*.json")], headers=["Abbreviation", "Name"]) sys.exit(-1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="form-auto-fill-in", description="Auto fill in your form using your saved information (or answer on the spot).", add_help=True) parser.add_argument("path", type=str, help="Path to environment file.") parser.add_argument("--remain-unchanged", action="store_true", help="Whether you want to update and memorize your answer. (default=True)") parser.add_argument("-Y", "--yes", action="store_true", help="Automatic yes to prompts.") parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true", help="Whether you want to be quiet or not. (default=False)") parser.add_argument("--browser", action="store_true", help="Whether you want to run Chrome with GUI browser. (default=True)") parser.add_argument("-P", "--params", default={}, action=KwargsParamProcessor, help="Specify the kwargs. You can specify by -P username=USERNAME -P password=PASSWORD") parser.add_argument("--show-data", action="store_true", help="Print the data in path.") args = parser.parse_args(argv) path = args.path if not path.endswith(".json"): path = os.path.join(PYCHARMERS_CLI_FORM_AUTO_FILL_IN_DIR, path+".json") model = AutoFillInForms(path=path) if args.show_data: model.show_data() else:, update=not args.remain_unchanged, need_check=not args.yes, **args.params)
[docs]class AutoFillInForms(): """If you want to create your own gateway class, please inherit this class. Args: path (str) : Path to json data that describes the procedure of form. verbose (bool) : Whether to print message or not. (default= ``True`` ) Attributes: print (function) : Print function according to ``verbose`` data (dict) : Data that describes the procedure of form. path (str) : Path to json data that describes the procedure of form. """ SUPPORTED_FORM_TYPES = ["radio", "checkbox", "text"] DOMAIN2FORM = { "": "office", } def __init__(self, path, verbose=True, **kwargs): self.verbose = verbose self.print = print if verbose else lambda *args: None = self.load_data(path) self.path = path self.form_type = self.whichForms(["URL"]) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.print(*pretty_3quote(f""" * Form Name : {toACCENT("name", ""))} * Form Type : {toGREEN(self.form_type)} * Data Path : {toBLUE(self.path)} """))
[docs] @staticmethod def load_data(path): """Load data from json file. Args: path (str) : Path to json file. """ with open(path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fr: data = json.load(fr) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def save_data(path, data, indent=2, update=True): """Save data at ``self.path`` Args: path (str) : Path to json file. indent (int) : If ``indent`` is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. ``None`` is the most compact representation. update (bool) : Whether to update ``"last_date"`` variable. """ if update: data["last_date"] = now_str() save_json(obj=data, file=path, indent=2)
[docs] @staticmethod def whichForms(url): """Decide which Forms from the domain of the ``url`` Args: url (str) : URL of the forms. Returns: str : Identifier of the forms. """ url_domain = re.match(pattern=r"^https?:\/\/(.+?)\/", string=url).group(1) handleKeyError(lst=list(AutoFillInForms.DOMAIN2FORM.keys()), url_domain=url_domain) return AutoFillInForms.DOMAIN2FORM[url_domain]
[docs] @staticmethod def show_curt_browser(driver): """Visualize the current browser by taking screenshots Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. """ fn = "tmp.png" driver.save_screenshot(fn) try: from imgcat import imgcat imgcat(open(fn)) except: import subprocess["imgcat", fn]) os.remove(fn)
[docs] @staticmethod def answer_question(qno, ans_data={}, inputElements=[], need_check=False): """Answer each question. Args: qno (int) : Question number in the form. inputElements (list) : List of input elements in the form. need_check (bool) : Whether you need to check the value when using the value in environment file. (default= ``False`` ) Returns: dict : ``{"no": no, "val": val}`` """ ans = ans_data.get(str(qno)) input_required = True if ans is not None: input_required = False no = ans.get("no", 1) val = ans.get("val", "") if need_check: print(f"Is your answer correct? [Y/n] :\n{no},{val}") input_required = input().lower().startswith("n") # Accept input from user. if input_required: print("Please input Your answer: ", end="") no,*val = input().split(",") try: no = int(no) except ValueError: val = [no] no = 1 target = inputElements[no-1] type = target.get_attribute("type") handleKeyError(lst=AutoFillInForms.SUPPORTED_FORM_TYPES, type=type) if type == "radio": elif type == "checkbox": for n in set(val + [no]): inputElements[int(n)-1].click() elif type == "text": if not isinstance(val, str): val = str_strip(",".join(val)) target.send_keys(val) return {"no": no, "val": val}
[docs] def show_data(self): print(dumps_json(
[docs] def login(self, driver, url, login_data={}): """Perform the login procedure required to answer the form. Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. url (str) : URL of the form. login_data (dict) : Data required for login. """ self.print(f"\nLogin\n{'='*30}\nGet {toBLUE(url)}") driver.get(url) login_data = copy.deepcopy(sorted(login_data.items(), key=lambda x:x[0])) for no,values in login_data: { "click" : try_find_element_click, "send_keys" : try_find_element_send_keys, }[values.pop("func")](driver=driver, verbose=self.verbose, **values)
[docs] def run(self, browser=False, **kwargs): """ Args: browser (bool) : Whether you want to run Chrome with GUI browser. (default= ``False`` ) """ with get_driver(browser=browser) as driver: self.login(driver=driver,["URL"],"login", {})) self.answer_form(driver=driver, **kwargs)
[docs] def dev_run(self, browser=True, **kwargs): """ Args: browser (bool) : Whether you want to run Chrome with GUI browser. (default= ``True`` ) Args: WebDriver : Selenium WebDriver. """ driver = get_driver(browser=browser) self.login(driver=driver,"URL"),"login", {})) self.answer_form(driver=driver, **kwargs) return driver
[docs] def answer_form(self, driver, **kwargs): """Answer the forms. Args: driver (WebDriver) : Selenium WebDriver. """ if "answer" not in["answer"] = {} self.print(f"\nAnswer Form\n{'='*30}") getattr(self, f"answer_form_{self.form_type}")(driver=driver, **kwargs)
[docs] def answer_form_office(self, driver, need_check=True, update=True, show_result=True, **kwargs): ans_data =["answer"] answered_qnos = [] not_found_count=0 while True: visible_questions = driver.find_elements_by_class_name(name="office-form-question") if len(answered_qnos) == 0: if not_found_count>5: break time.sleep(1) not_found_count += 1 elif len(answered_qnos) == len(visible_questions): break for question in visible_questions: # NOTE: question number depends on forms. qno = int(question.find_element_by_css_selector("span.ordinal-number").text.rstrip(".")) if qno not in answered_qnos: self.print(question.find_element_by_css_selector("div.question-title-box").text+"\n") inputElements = question.find_elements_by_tag_name(name="input") num_inputElements = len(inputElements) for j,inputTag in enumerate(inputElements): type_ = inputTag.get_attribute("type") value = inputTag.get_attribute("value") # NOTE: input no is 1-based index. self.print(f"\t{j+1:>0{len(str(num_inputElements))}} [{type_}] {value}") answer = self.answer_question(qno=qno, ans_data=ans_data, inputElements=inputElements, need_check=need_check)["answer"][str(qno)] = answer answered_qnos.append(qno) print("-"*30) try_find_element_click(driver=driver, by="css selector", identifier="button.__submit-button__") self.save_data(self.path,, update=update) if show_result: self.print(f"Capturing the current browser...") time.sleep(3) self.show_curt_browser(driver=driver)