# coding: utf-8
import cv2
import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
from ..utils import cv2ArgumentParser
from ..opencv import cvui, cv2Project
from ..opencv.binary import binarizer_creator, OPENCV_BINARYZATIONS
[docs]def cvPencilSketch(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
"""Convert the image like a pencil drawing.
1. Convert to Gray Scale.
2. Blur (Using Median Blur ``cv2.medianBlur`` )
3. Laplacian ( ``cv2.Laplacian`` )
4. Binarization.
5. Morphological Transformations.
path (str) : Path to image.
When you run from the command line, execute as follows::
$ cv-pencil-sketch --path path/to/sample.png
| Sample |
| .. image:: _images/cli.cvPencilSketch.gif |
parser = cv2ArgumentParser(prog="cv-pencil-sketch", description="Convert the image like a pencil drawing.", add_help=True)
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
project = cv2Project(args=args)
labels = ["Original", "Gray", "Blur", "Laplacian", "Binarization", "Morphological"]
states = [i==0 for i in range(len(labels))]
bi_labels = list(OPENCV_BINARYZATIONS.keys())
bi_states = [i==0 for i in range(len(bi_labels))]
bi_thresholds = [127]
bi_blockSizes = [11]
bi_consts = [2]
lap_ksizes = [7]
median_ksizes = [5]
morph_ksizes_x = [2]
morph_ksizes_y = [2]
def func(frame, monitor, gui_x, **kwargs):
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x+20, y=10, text="[Pencil Sketch]")
idx = cvui.radiobox(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=30, labels=labels, states=states)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=170, text="Median Blur ksize")
median_ksize = cvui.trackbar(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=190, width=140, value=median_ksizes, min=1, max=15, labelfmt="%.1Lf", options=cvui.TRACKBAR_DISCRETE, discreteStep=2)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=250, text="Laplacian ksize")
lap_ksize = cvui.trackbar(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=270, width=140, value=lap_ksizes, min=1, max=15, labelfmt="%.1Lf", options=cvui.TRACKBAR_DISCRETE, discreteStep=2)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=330, text="Binarization method")
bi_idx = cvui.radiobox(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=350, labels=bi_labels, states=bi_states)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=420, text="Binarization threshold")
bi_thresh = cvui.trackbar(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=440, width=140, value=bi_thresholds, min=0, max=255, labelfmt="%.1Lf", options=cvui.TRACKBAR_DISCRETE, discreteStep=1)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=500, text="Binarization block size")
bi_blockSize = cvui.trackbar(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=520, width=140, value=bi_blockSizes, min=3, max=25, labelfmt="%.1Lf", options=cvui.TRACKBAR_DISCRETE, discreteStep=2)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=580, text="Binarization constant value.")
bi_const = cvui.trackbar(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=600, width=140, value=bi_consts, min=1, max=15, labelfmt="%.1Lf", options=cvui.TRACKBAR_DISCRETE, discreteStep=1)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=660, text="Morphological ksize")
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x, y=690, text="x")
morph_ksize_x = cvui.trackbar(where=monitor, x=gui_x+5, y=680, width=70, value=morph_ksizes_x, min=1, max=10, labelfmt="%.1Lf", options=cvui.TRACKBAR_DISCRETE, discreteStep=1)
cvui.text(where=monitor, x=gui_x+80, y=690, text="y")
morph_ksize_y = cvui.trackbar(where=monitor, x=gui_x+85, y=680, width=70, value=morph_ksizes_y, min=1, max=10, labelfmt="%.1Lf", options=cvui.TRACKBAR_DISCRETE, discreteStep=1)
if idx>=1:
# 1. Convert to Gray Scale.
frame = cv2.cvtColor(src=frame, code=cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
if idx>=2:
# 2. Blur
frame = cv2.medianBlur(src=frame, ksize=median_ksize)
if idx>=3:
# 3. Laplacian
frame = cv2.Laplacian(src=frame, ddepth=cv2.CV_8U, ksize=lap_ksize)
if idx>=4:
# 4. Binarization.
frame = binarizer_creator(method=bi_labels[bi_idx], thresh=bi_thresh, blockSize=bi_blockSize, const=bi_const)(src=frame)
if idx>=5:
# 5. Morphological Transformations.
kernel = np.ones(shape=(morph_ksize_y, morph_ksize_x), dtype=np.uint8)
frame = cv2.dilate(src=frame, kernel=kernel, iterations=1)
frame = cv2.erode(src=frame, kernel=kernel, iterations=1)
return frame