#coding: utf-8
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import MySQLdb
from MySQLdb.cursors import Cursor
from typing import Any,Optional,Callable,Union,List,Tuple,Dict
from ..utils._colorings import toBLUE, toGREEN, toRED
from ..utils.environ_utils import check_environ
from ..utils.generic_utils import handleKeyError
from ._base import PycharmersAPI
[docs]class PycharmersMySQL(PycharmersAPI):
"""Wrapper class for MySQL.
host (Optional[str], optional) : host to connect. Defaults to ``None``.
password (Optional[str], optional) : user to connect as. Defaults to ``None``.
user (Optional[str], optional) : password to use. Defaults to ``None``.
database (Optional[str], optional) : database to ues. Defaults to ``None``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to print message or not Defaults to ``False``.
def __init__(self, host:Optional[str]=None, password:Optional[str]=None, user:Optional[str]=None, database:Optional[str]=None, verbose:bool=False):
host=host, password=password, user=user, database=database,
[docs] def connect(self, func:Callable, host:Optional[str]=None, password:Optional[str]=None, user:Optional[str]=None, database:Optional[str]=None, **kwargs) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[tuple], None]:
"""Use ``MySQLdb.connect`` to create a connection to the database, and close it after excuting ``func`` .
func (Callable) : The function you want to execute. Receive ``cursor`` as the first argument.
host (Optional[str], optional) : host to connect. Defaults to ``None``.
password (Optional[str], optional) : user to connect as. Defaults to ``None``.
user (Optional[str], optional) : password to use. Defaults to ``None``.
database (Optional[str], optional) : database to ues. Defaults to ``None``.
\*\*kwargs (dict) : See a table below.
Any: Return value of ``func``
Keyword arguments for ``MySQLdb.connect`` is below.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ``port`` | ``int`` | TCP/IP port to connect to |
| ``unix_socket`` | ``str`` | location of unix_socket to use |
| ``conv`` | ``dict`` | conversion dictionary, see MySQLdb.converters |
| ``connect_timeout`` | ``int`` | number of seconds to wait before the connection attempt fails. |
| ``compress`` | ``bool`` | if set, compression is enabled |
| ``named_pipe`` | ``str`` | if set, a named pipe is used to connect (Windows only) |
| ``init_command`` | ``str`` | command which is run once the connection is created |
| ``read_default_file`` | ``str`` | file from which default client values are read |
| ``read_default_group`` | ``str`` | configuration group to use from the default file |
| ``cursorclass`` | ``type`` | class object, used to create cursors (keyword only) |
| ``use_unicode`` | ``bool`` | If ``True``, text-like columns are returned as unicode objects using the connection``'s character set. Otherwise, text-like columns are returned as bytes. Unicode objects will always be encoded to the connection'``s character set regardless of this setting. Default to ``True``. |
| ``charset`` | ``str`` | If supplied, the connection character set will be changed to this character set. |
| ``auth_plugin`` | ``str`` | If supplied, the connection default authentication plugin will be changed to this value. Example values are ``mysql_native_password`` or ``caching_sha2_password`` |
| ``sql_mode`` | ``str`` | If supplied, the session SQL mode will be changed to this setting. For more details and legal values, see the MySQL documentation. |
| ``client_flag`` | ``int`` | flags to use or 0 (see MySQL docs or constants/CLIENTS.py) |
| ``ssl_mode`` | ``str`` | specify the security settings for connection to the server; see the MySQL documentation for more details (mysql_option(), MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE). Only one of ``'DISABLED'``, ``'PREFERRED'``, ``'REQUIRED'``, ``'VERIFY_CA'``, ``'VERIFY_IDENTITY'`` can be specified. |
| ``ssl`` | ``dict`` | dictionary or mapping contains SSL connection parameters; see the MySQL documentation for more details (mysql_ssl_set()). If this is set, and the client does not support SSL, NotSupportedError will be raised. |
| ``local_infile`` | ``bool`` | enables LOAD LOCAL INFILE; zero disables |
| ``autocommit`` | ``bool`` | If False (default), autocommit is disabled. If ``True``, autocommit is enabled. If None, autocommit isn't set and server default is used. |
| ``binary_prefix`` | ``bool`` | If set, the ``'_binary'`` prefix will be used for raw byte query arguments (e.g. Binary). This is disabled by default. |
host=host, password=password, user=user, database=database,
connection = MySQLdb.connect(
host=self.get_val("host", host=host),
password=self.get_val("password", password=password),
user=self.get_val("user", user=user),
database=self.get_val("database", database=database),
use_unicode=True, charset="utf8", cursorclass=Cursor,
cursor = connection.cursor()
ret = func(cursor=cursor, **kwargs)
return ret
[docs] def execute(self, query:str, columns:list=[], verbose:bool=False) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[tuple], None]:
"""Execute a SQL query.
query (str) : Query to execute on server.
columns (list, optional) : If this value is fiven, Return value will be as a ``pd.DataFrame`` format. Defaults to ``[]``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[tuple], None]: Return value of query.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> sql.execute("show databases;")
>>> # Receive as a DataFrame.
>>> df = sql.execute("show databases;", columns=["name"])
>>> print(df.to_markdown())
| | name |
| 0 | information_schema |
| 1 | mysql |
| 2 | performance_schema |
| 3 | remody |
| 4 | sys |
if verbose: print(query)
def execute_query(cursor:Cursor) -> Tuple[tuple]:
return cursor.fetchall()
ret = self.connect(func=execute_query)
if len(columns)>0:
ret = pd.DataFrame(data=ret, columns=columns)
return ret
[docs] def create(self, table:str, verbose:bool=False, column_info={}) -> None:
"""Create a Table named ``table`` .
table (str) : The name of table.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
columninfo (dict) : Key value style column information.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> sql.create(table="pycharmers_user", column_info={
... "username": 'VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT "ユーザー名"',
... "created" : 'datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "登録日"' ,
>>> })
return self.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table} ({','.join([f'`{k}` {v}' for k,v in column_info.items()])});", verbose=verbose)
[docs] def drop(self, table:str, verbose:bool=False) -> None:
"""Drop the ``table`` .
table (str) : The name of table.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> sql.drop(table="pycharmers_user")
return self.execute(f"DROP TABLE {table};", verbose=verbose)
[docs] def describe(self, table:str, verbose:bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get table structure.
table (str) : The name of table.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
pd.DataFrame: Table structure.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> df = sql.describe(table="pycharmers_user")
>>> print(df.to_markdown())
| | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| 0 | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | | auto_increment |
| 1 | username | varchar(100) | NO | | | |
| 2 | created | datetime | YES | | | |
return self.execute(f"DESCRIBE {table};", columns=["Field","Type","Null","Key","Default","Extra"], verbose=verbose)
[docs] def insert(self, table:str, data:List[list], columns:list=[], col_type="input_field", verbose:bool=False) -> int:
"""Insert a record to specified ``table``
table (str) : The name of the table.
data (List[list]) : Data to be inserted.
columns (list, optional) : Column names to be inserted values. Defaults to ``[]``.
col_type (str, optional) : If ``columns`` has no data, use :meth:`get_colnames <pycharmers.api.mysql.PycharmersMySQL.get_colnames>` to decide which columns to be inseted. Defaults to ``"input_field"``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
int: The number of rows in ``table``
>>> import datetime
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> sql.insert(table="pycharmers_user", data=[
... ["iwasaki", "now()"],
... ["shuto", datetime.datetime(1998,7,3)]
>>> ], columns=["username", "created"])
if len(columns)==0:
columns = self.get_colnames(table=table, col_type=col_type)
if not isinstance(data[0], list):
data = [data]
df_field = self.describe(table=table)
coltypes = df_field.set_index("Field").filter(items=columns, axis=0).Type
values = ", ".join([f"({', '.join([self.format_data(e,t) for e,t in zip(d,coltypes)])})" for d in data])
return self.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} ({', '.join(columns)}) VALUES {values}", verbose=verbose)
[docs] def update(self, table:str, old_column:str, old_value:Any, new_columns:List[str], new_values:List[Any], verbose:bool=False) -> None:
"""Update records.
table (str) : The name of table.
old_column (str) : [description]
old_value (Any) :
new_columns (List[str]) : [description]
new_values (List[Any]) :
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> print(sql.selectAll(table="pycharmers_user").to_markdown())
| | id | username | created |
| 0 | 1 | iwasaki | 2021-05-22 07:23:10 |
| 1 | 2 | shuto | 1998-07-03 00:00:00 |
>>> sql.update(table="pycharmers_user", old_column="username", old_value="iwasaki", new_column="created", new_value="now()")
>>> print(sql.selectAll(table="pycharmers_user").to_markdown())
| | id | username | created |
| 0 | 1 | iwasaki | 2021-05-22 07:28:09 |
| 1 | 2 | shuto | 1998-07-03 00:00:00 |
df_field = self.describe(table=table)
old_type = df_field[df_field.Field==old_column].Type.values[0]
new_coltypes = df_field.set_index("Field").filter(items=new_columns, axis=0).Type
update_values = ", ".join([f"{col} = {self.format_data(val, type)}" for col,val,type in zip(new_columns, new_values, new_coltypes)])
return self.execute(f"UPDATE {table} SET {update_values} WHERE {old_column} = {self.format_data(old_value, old_type)}", verbose=verbose)
[docs] def delete(self, table:str, column:str, value:Any, verbose:bool=False) -> None:
"""Delete the records whose ``column`` is ``value`` from the table named ``table`` .
table (str) : The name of table.
column (str) :
value (Any) :
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> print(sql.select(table="pycharmers_user").to_markdown())
| | id | username | created |
| 0 | 1 | iwasaki | 2021-05-22 07:23:10 |
| 1 | 2 | shuto | 1998-07-03 00:00:00 |
>>> sql.delete(table="pycharmers_user", column="username", value="shuto")
>>> print(sql.select(table="pycharmers_user").to_markdown())
| | id | username | created |
| 0 | 1 | iwasaki | 2021-05-22 07:23:10 |
df_field = self.describe(table=table)
type = df_field[df_field.Field==column].Type.values[0]
return self.execute(f"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {column} = {self.format_data(value, type)}", verbose=verbose)
[docs] def merge(self, table1info:Dict[str,List[str]], table2info:Dict[str,List[str]], method:str="inner", verbose:bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Select values from table1 and table2 using ``method`` JOIN
table1info (Dict[str,List[str]]) : Table1 information ( ``key`` : table name, ``value`` : selected columns (0th column is used for merging.))
table2info (Dict[str,List[str]]) : Table2 information ( ``key`` : table name, ``value`` : selected columns (0th column is used for merging.))
method (str, optional) : How to merge two tables. Defaults to ``"inner"``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
pd.DataFrame: Merged table records.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql.merge(
... table1info={"user": ["id", "name", "job_id"]},
... table2info={"jobs": ["id", "job_name"]},
... method="inner", verbose=True
>>> )
>>> SELECT user.name, user.job_id, jobs.job_name FROM user INNER JOIN jobs ON user.id = jobs.id;
table1,columns1 = table1info.popitem()
table2,columns2 = table2info.popitem()
col_merge1 = columns1.pop(0)
col_merge2 = columns2.pop(0)
return self.execute(f"SELECT {', '.join([f'{table1}.{col}' for col in columns1] + [f'{table2}.{col}' for col in columns2])} FROM {table1} {method.upper()} JOIN {table2} ON {table1}.{col_merge1} = {table2}.{col_merge2};", columns=columns1+columns2, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def get_colnames(self, table:str, col_type:str="all") -> list:
"""Get column names in the specified ``table`` .
table (str) : The name of table.
col_type (str, optional) : What types columns to extract. Defaults to ``"all"``.
list: Extracted Columns.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> sql.get_colnames(table="pycharmers_user")
>>> ['id', 'username', 'created']
handleKeyError(lst=["all", "minimum", "input_field"], col_type=col_type)
df = self.describe(table=table)
if col_type=="all":
elif col_type=="minimum":
df = df[(df.Extra!="auto_increment") & (df.Null=="NO")]
elif col_type=="input_field":
df = df[df.Extra!="auto_increment"]
return df.Field.to_list()
[docs] def select(self, table:str, columns:List[str]=[], where:Dict[str,Any]={}, verbose:bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get selected records.
table (str) : The name of table.
columns (List[str], optional) : Selected Columns. If you don't specify any columns, extract all columns. Defaults to ``[]``.
where (Dict[str,Any], optional) : Specify the condition of the column to be extracted. { ``colname`` : ``value`` }
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
pd.DataFrame: Selected Records.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> df = sql.select(table="pycharmers_user")
>>> print(df.to_markdown())
| | id | username | created |
| 0 | 1 | iwasaki | 2021-05-22 07:23:10 |
| 1 | 2 | shuto | 1998-07-03 00:00:00 |
>>> df = sql.select(table="pycharmers_user", columns=["id", "username"])
>>> print(df.to_markdown())
| | id | username |
| 0 | 1 | iwasaki |
| 1 | 2 | shuto |
if len(columns)==0:
columns = self.get_colnames(table=table, col_type="all")
if len(where)>0:
df_field = self.describe(table=table)
coltypes = df_field.set_index("Field").filter(items=list(where.keys()), axis=0).Type
WHERE = f'WHERE {" AND ".join([f"{key} = {self.format_data(val,type)}" for type,(key,val) in zip(coltypes,where.items())])}'
WHERE = ""
return self.execute(f"SELECT {', '.join(columns)} FROM {table} {WHERE};", columns=columns, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def count_rows(self, table:str, verbose:bool=False) -> int:
"""Get the number of rows in the ``table`` .
table (str) : The name of table.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
int: The number of rows in the specified ``table`` .
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> sql.count_rows(table="pycharmers_user")
return self.execute(f"SELECT count(*) FROM {table};")[0][0]
[docs] def show_tables(self, verbose:bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Show all tables.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
pd.DataFrame: Information for all Tables.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> df = sql.show_tables()
>>> print(df.to_markdown())
| | Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time | Check_time | Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment |
| 0 | pycharmers_user | InnoDB | 10 | Dynamic | 0 | 0 | 16384 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2021-05-22 07:06:17 | NaT | | utf8_general_ci | | | |
return self.execute("show table status;", columns=['Name', 'Engine', 'Version', 'Row_format', 'Rows', 'Avg_row_length', 'Data_length', 'Max_data_length', 'Index_length', 'Data_free', 'Auto_increment', 'Create_time', 'Update_time', 'Check_time', 'Collation', 'Checksum', 'Create_options', 'Comment'], verbose=verbose)
[docs] def explain(self, table:str, verbose:bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Explain records
table (str) : The name of table.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to display the query or not. Defaults to ``False``.
pd.DataFrame: Explanation for records.
>>> from pycharmers.api import PycharmersMySQL
>>> sql = PycharmersMySQL()
>>> df = sql.explain(table="pycharmers_user")
>>> print(df.to_markdown())
| | id | select_type | table | partition | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
| 0 | 1 | SIMPLE | pycharmers_user | | ALL | | | | | 2 | 100 | |
return self.execute(f"EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM {table};", columns=["id","select_type","table","partition","type","possible_keys","key","key_len","ref","rows","filtered","Extra"], verbose=verbose)