# coding: utf-8
import os
import re
import urllib
import zipfile
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
from .generic_utils import now_str, progress_reporthook_create, readable_bytes, verbose2print
CONTENT_ENCODING2EXT: Dict[str, str] = {
"gzip": ".gz",
"x-gzip": ".gz",
"image/jpeg": ".jpg",
"image/jpx": ".jpx",
"image/png": ".png",
"image/gif": ".gif",
"image/webp": ".webp",
"image/x-canon-cr2": ".cr2",
"image/tiff": ".tif",
"image/bmp": ".bmp",
"image/vnd.ms-photo": ".jxr",
"image/vnd.adobe.photoshop": ".psd",
"image/x-icon": ".ico",
"image/heic": ".heic",
CONTENT_TYPE2EXT: Dict[str, str] = {
"application/epub+zip": ".epub",
"application/zip": ".zip",
"application/x-tar": ".tar",
"application/x-rar-compressed": ".rar",
"application/gzip": ".gz",
"application/x-bzip2": ".bz2",
"application/x-7z-compressed": ".7z",
"application/x-xz": ".xz",
"application/pdf": ".pdf",
"application/x-msdownload": ".exe",
"application/x-shockwave-flash": ".swf",
"application/rtf": ".rtf",
"application/octet-stream": ".eot",
"application/postscript": ".ps",
"application/x-sqlite3": ".sqlite",
"application/x-nintendo-nes-rom": ".nes",
"application/x-google-chrome-extension": ".crx",
"application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed": ".cab",
"application/x-deb": ".deb",
"application/x-unix-archive": ".ar",
"application/x-compress": ".Z",
"application/x-lzip": ".lz",
"text/html": ".txt",
[docs]def unzip(path: str, verbose: bool = True) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
"""Unzip a zipped file ( Only support the file with ``.zip`` extension. )
path (str) : The path to zipped file.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to print verbose or not. Defaults to ``True``.
Tuple[str,List[str]]: The directory where the expanded data is stored and the List of their respective file paths.
>>> from teilab.utils import unzip
>>> unzip("target.zip")
extracted_file_paths = []
print = verbose2print(verbose=verbose)
root, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if ext not in [".zip", ".gz"]:
print(f"Do not support to extract files with the '{ext}' extension.")
if not os.path.exists(root):
print("[Unzip] Show file contents:")
with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as z:
for info in z.infolist():
info.filename = info.orig_filename.encode("cp437").decode("utf-8")
if (os.sep != "/") and (os.sep in info.filename):
info.filename = info.filename.replace(os.sep, "/")
z.extract(member=info, path=root)
extracted_file_path = os.path.join(root, info.filename)
print(f"\t* {info.filename}")
return root, extracted_file_paths
[docs]def decide_extension(
content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, basename: Optional[str] = None
"""Decide File Extension based on ``content_encoding`` and ``content_type``
content_encoding (Optional[str], optional) : The MIME type of the resource or the data.
content_type (Optional[str], optional) : The Content-Encoding entity header is used to compress the media-type.
basename (Optional[str], optional) : The basename.
str: The file extension which starts with "."
>>> from teilab.utils import decide_extension
>>> decide_extension(content_encoding="image/png")
>>> decide_extension(content_type="application/pdf")
>>> decide_extension(content_encoding="image/webp", content_type="application/pdf")
>>> decide_extension(basename="hoge.zip")
content_encoding, CONTENT_TYPE2EXT.get(content_type, os.path.splitext(str(basename))[-1])
return ext
[docs]class Downloader:
"""General Downloader"""
[docs] @classmethod
def download_file(
url: str,
dirname: str = ".",
basename: str = "",
path: Optional[str] = None,
verbose: bool = True,
expand: bool = True,
) -> str:
"""Download a file and expand it if you want.
url (str) : The URL of the file you want to download.
dirname (str, optional) : The directory where downloaded data will be saved. Defaults to ``"."``.
basename (str, optional) : The basename of the target file. Defaults to ``""``.
path (Optional[str], optional) : Where and what name to save the downloaded file. Defaults to ``None``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to print verbose or not. Defaults to ``True``.
expand (bool, optional) : Whether to expand the downloaded file. Defaults to ``True``
path (str) : The path to the downloaded file.
>>> import os
>>> from teilab.utils import Downloader
>>> path = Downloader.download_file(url="http://ui-tei.rnai.jp/")
[Download] URL: http://ui-tei.rnai.jp/
* Content-Encoding : None
* Content-Length : 32.1 [KB]
* Content-Type : text/html
* Save Destination : ./2021-06-01@21.30.html
===== Progress =====
2021-06-01@21.30.04 100.0%[####################] 0.0[s] 1.3[MB/s] eta -0.0[s]
Do not support to extract files with the '.html' extension.
>>> os.path.exists(path)
path = cls.download_target_file(url=url, dirname=dirname, basename=basename, path=path, verbose=True, **kwargs)
if expand:
path, extracted_file_paths = unzip(path=path, verbose=verbose)
return path
[docs] @staticmethod
def download_target_file(
url: str,
dirname: str = ".",
basename: str = ".",
path: Optional[str] = None,
bar_width: int = 20,
verbose: bool = True,
) -> str:
"""Download the target file.
url (str) : The URL of the file you want to download.
dirname (str, optional) : The directory where downloaded data will be saved. Defaults to ``"."``.
basename (str, optional) : The basename of the target file. Defaults to ``""``.
path (Optional[str], optional) : Where and what name to save the downloaded file. Defaults to ``None``.
bar_width (int, optional) : The width of progress bar. Defaults to ``20``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to print verbose or not. Defaults to ``True``.
path (str) : The path to the downloaded file.
>>> import os
>>> from teilab.utils import Downloader
>>> path = Downloader.download_target_file(url="http://ui-tei.rnai.jp/")
[Download] URL: http://ui-tei.rnai.jp/
* Content-Encoding : None
* Content-Length : 31.8 [KB]
* Content-Type : text/html
* Save Destination : ./2021-06-01@11.26.html
===== Progress =====
2021-06-01@11.26.48 100.0%[####################] 0.0[s] 1.0[MB/s] eta -0.0[s]
>>> os.path.exists(path)
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as web_file:
headers = dict(web_file.headers._headers)
filename, path = Downloader.prepare_for_download(
url=url, basename=os.path.basename(url), dirname=dirname, path=path, headers=headers, verbose=verbose
if verbose:
print("===== Progress =====")
_, res = urllib.request.urlretrieve(
reporthook=progress_reporthook_create(filename=filename, bar_width=bar_width, verbose=verbose),
except urllib.error.URLError:
print(f"[URLError] Please check if the URL is correct, given {url}")
except Exception as err:
print(f"[{err.__class__.__name__}] {err}")
return path
[docs] @staticmethod
def prepare_for_download(
url: str = "",
dirname: str = ".",
basename: str = "",
path: Optional[str] = None,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
verbose: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Get Information from webfile header and prepare for downloading.
url (str, optional) : The URL of the file you want to download. Defaults to ``""``.
dirname (str, optional) : The directory where downloaded data will be saved. Defaults to ``"."``.
basename (str, optional) : The basename of the target file. Defaults to ``""``.
path (Optional[str], optional) : Where and what name to save the downloaded file. Defaults to ``None``.
headers (Optional[Dict[str,str]], optional) : The header information of the target file. Defaults to ``{}``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to print verbose or not. Defaults to ``True``.
Tuple[str,str]: ``filename`` and ``path`` of the file that will be downloaded.
>>> from teilab.utils import Downloader
>>> filename, path = Downloader.prepare_for_download(
... url="http://ui-tei.rnai.jp/",
... basename="index.html",
... dirname=".",
... path=None,
>>> )
[Download] URL: http://ui-tei.rnai.jp/
* Content-Encoding : None
* Content-Length : 32.1 [KB]
* Content-Type : text/html
* Save Destination : ./index.html
>>> filename, path
('index.html', './index.html')
# Get the information of the file you want to download from the header.
if headers is None:
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as web_file:
headers = dict(web_file.headers._headers)
content_encoding: str = headers.get("Content-Encoding")
content_length: str = "{0:.1f} [{1}]".format(*readable_bytes(int(headers.get("Content-Length", 0))))
content_type: str = headers.get("Content-Type").split(";")[0]
# Decide the download destination
if basename == "":
basename = now_str()
if path is None:
root, _ = os.path.splitext(basename)
guessed_ext = decide_extension(
content_encoding=content_encoding, content_type=content_type, basename=basename
filename = root + guessed_ext
path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
filename = os.path.split(path)[-1]
# Show the results.
if verbose:
f"[Download] URL: {url}",
f"* Content-Encoding : {content_encoding}",
f"* Content-Length : {content_length}",
f"* Content-Type : {content_type}",
f"* Save Destination : {path}",
return (filename, path)
[docs]class GoogleDriveDownloader(Downloader):
"""Specific Downloader for files in GoogleDrive"""
CHUNK_SIZE = 32768
DRIVE_URL = "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download"
[docs] @staticmethod
def prepare_for_download(
url: str = "",
dirname: str = ".",
basename: str = "",
path: Optional[str] = None,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
verbose: bool = True,
driveId: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
if driveId is None:
q = urllib.parse.parse_qs(urllib.parse.urlparse(url).query).get("id")
if len(q) == 0:
raise TypeError("Please specify the target Google Drive Id using ``url`` or ``driveId`` arguments.")
driveId = q[0]
if basename == "":
basename = driveId
# Start a Session
params = {"id": driveId}
session = requests.Session()
response = session.get(url=GoogleDriveDownloader.DRIVE_URL, params=params, stream=True)
for key, val in response.cookies.items():
if key.startswith("download_warning"):
params.update({"confirm": val})
# Get Information from headers
headers = session.head(url=GoogleDriveDownloader.DRIVE_URL, params=params).headers
return [
[docs] @staticmethod
def download_target_file(
url: str,
dirname: str = ".",
basename: str = "",
path: Optional[str] = None,
driveId: Optional[str] = None,
verbose: bool = True,
) -> str:
"""Download the target Google Drive file.
url (str) : The URL of the file you want to download.
dirname (str, optional) : The directory where downloaded data will be saved. Defaults to ``"."``.
basename (str, optional) : The basename of the target file. Defaults to ``""``.
path (Optional[str], optional) : Where and what name to save the downloaded file. Defaults to ``None``.
driveId (Optional[str], optional) : The GoogleDrive's file ID. Defaults to ``None``.
verbose (bool, optional) : Whether to print verbose or not. Defaults to ``True``.
TypeError: When Google Drive File ID is not detected from ``driveId`` and ``url`` .
str: The path to the downloaded file.
filename, path, session, params = GoogleDriveDownloader.prepare_for_download(
url=url, basename=basename, dirname=dirname, path=path, verbose=verbose
# Get contents
response = session.get(GoogleDriveDownloader.DRIVE_URL, params=params, stream=True)
with open(path, "wb") as f:
with tqdm(response.iter_content(GoogleDriveDownloader.CHUNK_SIZE), desc=driveId) as pbar:
for i, chunk in enumerate(pbar, start=1):
if chunk:
"Downloaded": "{0:.1f} [{1}]".format(
*readable_bytes(i * GoogleDriveDownloader.CHUNK_SIZE)
return path
[docs]def decide_downloader(url: str) -> Downloader:
"""Decide ``Downloader`` from ``url``
url (str): The URL of the file you want to download.
Downloader: File Downloader for target ``url``.
>>> from teilab.utils import decide_downloader
>>> decide_downloader("https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ID").__name__
>>> decide_downloader("https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?export=download&id=ID").__name__
url_domain = re.match(pattern=r"^https?:\/\/(.+?)\/", string=url).group(1)
return {
# "drive.google.com": GoogleDriveDownloader,
}.get(url_domain, Downloader)